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 cave bear 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Scientists have long been arguing over the food structure of the cave bear.
  2. The skeletons of a woolly rhinoceros and of a cave bear along with rare bird and fish fossils are also to go under the hammer during the April 16 auction in Paris.
  3. I am sure that, without modern weapons, I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear, and in this I do not think that I stand alone.

Cave \Cave\ (k[=a]v), n. [F. cave, L. cavus hollow, whence cavea
cavity. Cf. {Cage}.]
1. A hollow place in the earth, either natural or artificial;
a subterraneous cavity; a cavern; a den.

2. Any hollow place, or part; a cavity. [Obs.] ``The cave of
the ear.'' --Bacon.

3. (Eng. Politics) A coalition or group of seceders from a
political party, as from the Liberal party in England in
1866. See {Adullam}, {Cave of}, in the Dictionary of Noted
Names in Fiction.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{Cave bear} (Zo["o]l.), a very large fossil bear ({Ursus
spel[ae]us}) similar to the grizzly bear, but large;
common in European caves.

{Cave dweller}, a savage of prehistoric times whose dwelling
place was a cave. --Tylor.

{Cave hyena} (Zo["o]l.), a fossil hyena found abundanty in
British caves, now usually regarded as a large variety of
the living African spotted hyena.

{Cave lion} (Zo["o]l.), a fossil lion found in the caves of
Europe, believed to be a large variety of the African

{Bone cave}. See under {Bone}.

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