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 burgher ['bɚgɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 公民, 市民

  1. The pop festival has shocked the good burghers of Canterbury.
  2. The pop festival has shocked the good burgher of canterbury.
  3. The pop festival has shocked the good burgher of canterbury.

[ noun ]
  1. a citizen of an English borough

  2. <noun.person>
  3. a member of the middle class

  4. <noun.person>

Burgher \Burgh"er\, n. [From burgh; akin to D. burger, G.
b["u]rger, Dan. borger, Sw. borgare. See {Burgh}.]
1. A freeman of a burgh or borough, entitled to enjoy the
privileges of the place; any inhabitant of a borough.

2. (Eccl. Hist.) A member of that party, among the Scotch
seceders, which asserted the lawfulness of the burgess
oath (in which burgesses profess ``the true religion
professed within the realm''), the opposite party being
called antiburghers.

Note: These parties arose among the Presbyterians of
Scotland, in 1747, and in 1820 reunited under the name
of the ``United Associate Synod of the Secession

  1. Drawings of them are on display in the first joint showing of the world's two most important collections of the graphic work of Hans Holbein the Younger, the Basel burgher who became the court painter of Henry VIII.
  2. He inherited its stewardship from his wife's family, the descendants of Dutch burgher settlers.
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