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 bundle pillar 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Bundle \Bun"dle\ (b[u^]n"d'l), n. [OE. bundel, AS. byndel; akin
    to D. bondel, bundel, G. b["u]ndel, dim. of bund bundle, fr.
    the root of E. bind. See {Bind}.]
    A number of things bound together, as by a cord or envelope,
    into a mass or package convenient for handling or conveyance;
    a loose package; a roll; as, a bundle of straw or of paper; a
    bundle of old clothes.

    The fable of the rods, which, when united in a bundle,
    no strength could bend. --Goldsmith.

    {Bundle pillar} (Arch.), a column or pier, with others of
    small dimensions attached to it. --Weale.

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