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 brocade [brə'ked]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 织锦

  1. These brocade curtains are beautiful.
  2. This kind of brocade looks very beautiful.
  3. Would they like Chinese brocade?

[ noun ]
  1. thick heavy expensive material with a raised pattern

  2. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. weave a design into (textiles)

  2. <verb.creation>

Brocade \Bro*cade"\, n. [Sp. brocado (cf. It. broccato, F.
brocart), fr. LL. brocare *prick, to figure (textile
fabrics), to emboss (linen), to stitch. See {Broach}.]
Silk stuff, woven with gold and silver threads, or ornamented
with raised flowers, foliage, etc.; -- also applied to other
stuffs thus wrought and enriched.

A gala suit of faded brocade. --W. Irving.

  1. He loves to mix fabrics, juxtaposing leather with silk, cashmere with tweed, teaming jeans with brocade jackets, putting rhinestones on dungarees.
  2. This theme becomes ever more opulent as the day goes on with rich gold embroidery on silk brocade jackets and coats for the cocktail hour, and shimmery gold evening gowns for the grande soiree.
  3. They came out in shiny lame cloque brocade _ like many of the jackets and skin-tight cocktail dresses.
  4. The wedding dress had a red silk brocade bodice, white linen damask scarf and blouse and black wool skirt, topped by a blue wool apron with a special glazed finish.
  5. Sitting behind a low table draped with gold brocade cloth embroidered with chrysanthemums, the imperial symbol, the royal couple spoke slowly and distinctly.
  6. Farnsley was a history buff who went through a "Confederate period" in the 1930s, when his normal dress was a broad planter's hat, a swallow-tailed coat, a brocade vest and a black string tie.
  7. For evening wear, Valentino included satin rosettes and flowers, intricate lace patterns on blouses, brocade galore in both trousers and skirts.
  8. Christie's International in New York offers a brocade "Thing" box from "The Addams Family" television show at a coming entertainment memorabilia sale.
  9. When the Venetian ambassadors arrive, they do so as a strong forward wave of crimson brocade and fur, shamelessly spectacular. Shamelessness and spectacle carry the weight of the production elsewhere too.
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