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 Brock [brɔk]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Brock \Brock\, n. [AS. broc, fr. W. broch; akin to Ir. & Gael.
    broc, Corn. & Armor. broch; cf. Ir. & Gael. breac speckled.]
    A badger.

    Or with pretense of chasing thence the brock. --B.

    Brock \Brock\, n. [See {Brocket}.] (Zo["o]l.)
    A brocket. --Bailey.

    Badger \Badg"er\, n. [OE. bageard, prob. fr. badge + -ard, in
    reference to the white mark on its forehead. See {Badge},n.]
    1. A carnivorous quadruped of the genus {Meles} or of an
    allied genus. It is a burrowing animal, with short, thick
    legs, and long claws on the fore feet. One species ({Meles
    meles} or {Meles vulgaris}), called also {brock}, inhabits
    the north of Europe and Asia; another species ({Taxidea
    taxus} or {Taxidea Americana} or {Taxidea Labradorica})
    inhabits the northern parts of North America. See

    2. A brush made of badgers' hair, used by artists.

    {Badger dog}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Dachshund}.

    Brocket \Brock"et\ (br[o^]k"[e^]t), n. [OE. broket, F. broquart
    fallow deer a year old, fr. the same root as E. broach,
    meaning point (hence tine of a horn).]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) A male red deer two years old; -- sometimes
    called {brock}.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) A small South American deer, of several species
    ({Coassus superciliaris}, {Coassus rufus}, and {Coassus

    1. State Board of Elections director Alex Brock said he is convinced that adequate safeguards are in place to prevent fraud.
    2. He picked up endorsements Thursday from Washington Gov. Booth Gardener and Sen. Brock Adams.
    3. Along with the manpower shortage, Brock said "our children are being less well educated than we were.
    4. Besides the basic operations, however, Brock said the center has been a draw to other aerospace companies such as Grumman Corp. and McDonnell-Douglas Corp., both of which have major aerospace operations nearby.
    5. For the Reagan administration, Mr. Brock's departure may be only one in a series of high-level departures over the next year, as the end of the term draws closer and the presidential campaign season heats up.
    6. As both an experienced politician and administrator, Mr. Brock would strengthen the management of the Dole campaign.
    7. "The key for us," Dole campaign chief William Brock says of Super Tuesday, "is survival."
    8. That leaves Mr. Brock surrounded by political specialists, almost all of whom are second-raters.
    9. Former Sen. Bill Brock, who managed Bob Dole's presidential campaign, has volunteered to help Vice President George Bush since Dole withdrew from the race.
    10. "He got 30 percent of the vote in each of those elections, which means 70 percent of the people voted for another candidate," Brock said.
    11. Gottschalks Inc., Fresno, Calif., said it signed a letter of intent to acquire closely held Malcolm Brock Co. for about $7 million in cash and stock.
    12. "We frankly have never really focused on it until five or six years ago," said John Brock, president of economic development for the Greater Houston Partnership.
    13. Brock, former chairman of the National Republican Executive Committee who has been known in the past for his organizational skills, said trying to run a successful Dole campaign against Bush was nearly impossible.
    14. Sen. Brock Adams, D-Wash., pushed for consideration of the War Powers issue, telling his colleagues that despite the constitutional questions, the law should be followed until it is struck down or changed.
    15. An FCC spokesman, Gerald Brock, said the $600,000 fines were based on the amount of money the companies made during the commission's monitoring process.
    16. That Brock has not tried to exploit those issues puzzles some observers, including McConnell.
    17. The opponents are Sens. Bill Bradley and Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, Alan Cranston of California, Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Brock Adams of Washington.
    18. In October 1985, Labor Secretary William Brock gave the states 18 months to improve farmworker sanitation facilities before he would decide whether to issue federal rules.
    19. Brock Adams of Washington and Harry Reid of Nevada, called the procedure unscientific and said it wouldn't save money, especially if the first test site proved unsatisfactory.
    20. As a result of the continuing labor problems, the Federal Aviation Administration planned to continue close scrutiny of Eastern's operations and former Labor Secretary William Brock will attempt to work with Eastern management and labor to ease tensions.
    21. Mr. Burnley asked William Brock, a former labor secretary, to hold talks between labor and management to try to prevent the dispute from threatening safety.
    22. Nonetheless, Secretary Brock in recent months had come to support some still undefined plan of aid for the industry, joining the late Malcolm Baldrige, secretary of commerce, another advocate.
    23. The task force's draft report likely will be completed at a meeting Thursday and submitted to Labor Secretary Brock before month's end.
    24. Because ASPCA rules require that a sick cat be kept away from other pets, in a separate room that Ms. Brock can't provide, she ends up with just this one kitten, after a long visit with the shelter vet.
    25. In a prolonged battle with Attorney General Edwin Meese, Secretary Brock was instrumental in getting the administration to table plans to lift most requirements for affirmative action efforts by companies with federal contracts.
    26. Similar nonlinear patterns were found by economist William A. Brock, who studies dynamical systems at the University of Wisconsin.
    27. "It would be tragic if this treaty was destroyed because we had a procedural dispute with the president," said Sen. Brock Adams, D-Wash.
    28. The identity of the slain man, who was shot once in the chest, was not immediately released, police Sgt. Steven Brock said.
    29. Bill Brock, Mr. Dole's campaign manager, summed up the opinion of many.
    30. Any increase will result "in the loss of job opportunities for thousands of kids," said Mr. Brock, who added that it was important to "concentrate on how we get our kids into the work force, rather than on ways to keep them out."
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