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 boardings 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Customs Service boardings of noncommercial vessels in the Atlantic Ocean near Florida, the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean fell by one-quarter last year to 3,710 from 1987.
    2. He said he could not give a definitive number nor say when or where the boardings occurred.
    3. Involuntary-denied boardings are the bumping of passengers who don't want to get off planes.
    4. In the first three months of this year, the airline will reduce its rate of involuntary-denied boardings by 60 percent compared with a year earlier, Robert Fornaro, Northwest's vice president of marketing planning, said Wednesday.
    5. In Yakima, its boardings dropped from 52,112 in 1987 to 40,022 in 1988, according to Yakima airport manager Gary Robbins.
    6. In other developments: -U.S. military officials in Saudi Arabia said there had been 2,500 interceptions, 240 boardings and 11 "diversions" of commercial ships since the embargo against Baghdad was imposed.
    7. The fees will be applied only to local boardings at those airports, so they will not affect people passing through or coming home, the company said.
    8. Williams declined to give a total number of boardings, saying "slightly more than a handful" had undergone a close-up inspection by Navy officials.
    9. That decline can be attributed to United Express' 23,320 boardings in Yakima, Robbins said.
    10. But overall, U.S. airline boardings fell 0.7% in June from year-earlier figures, and analysts say July doesn't look much better.
    11. The majority of boardings have occurred in the Red Sea, mainly along the approaches to Jordan's key port of Aqaba.
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