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 boardroom ['bord`rum]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 会议室, 证券交换场所

  1. The chairman want home, but the rest of the director stayed in the boardroom.
  2. Do you remember to ask the switchboard to put my call through to the boardroom?
  3. " The same could be true in the St Andrew's boardroom.

[ noun ]
a room where a committee meets (such as the board of directors of a company)

boardroom \boardroom\ n.
a room where a committee meets (such as the board of
directors of a company).

Syn: council chamber.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Nevertheless, there seemed to be continuing differences, in spite of Mr Bock's boardroom shake-up in January.
  2. The dream of some pilots to buy their own planes and run an airline is becoming reality for 6,326 United Airlines flyers, who will have to learn to operate in the boardroom as well as the cockpit.
  3. He's just spent 52 seconds of national television advertising time emphatically reminding lieutenants in the Chrysler boardroom that the company's cars are just as good as Japan's, but there's a problem.
  4. But is it such a bad thing for both posts to change in a crisis, as happens in France when the top man goes?' Rather than reducing PDGs' power, there is more support for increasing boardroom control over them.
  5. But one wonders whether the real problem is a lack of boardroom will.
  6. A few days ago Britain's best-known soccer manager and TV sports 'personality', the larger-than-life Brian Clough, announced under boardroom pressure that he would retire from his job at Nottingham Forest Football Club from the end of the season.
  7. Dividends were axed last year, and are unlikely to restart before 1995. Perhaps the least of TNT's problems are now in the boardroom.
  8. Evoking images of boardroom Napoleons, French executives have struck out beyond their borders to wage the most aggressive corporate takeover campaign in Europe.
  9. The boardroom row at Middlesex's Northwood Golf Club reminds Observer of the old tale of the husband whose wife was always beating him at golf. Having lost his ball in the rough, he trips over a lamp.
  10. "This is a courtroom, this is not a boardroom," Parker said.
  11. In the end, higher bills and higher boardroom salaries helped give privatisation a rather shady reputation.
  12. Joe K. Longley had his eye on a 30-foot boardroom table.
  13. We seemed to crave a lifestyle which divided its time between the stress of the City boardroom and the tedium of competitive rural pursuits.
  14. In late June, Mr Vaughn Bryson resigned as head of Eli Lilly after boardroom disputes.
  15. He is the first to remark that last week's boardroom upheaval at Invesco MIM, the fund management group, brings a radical change in his life. He will stay as MIM's chairman until next spring but has given up executive responsibilities immediately.
  16. Equally at home in the boardroom or at the blackjack table, Wynn has taken the Golden Nugget from a honky-tonk casino in downtown's Glitter Gulch to one of the nation's premier gaming companies with revenues of about $190 million a year.
  17. Family scion Peter Wallenberg, who will turn 65 this year, still holds sway in the boardroom of most group companies.
  18. A major walkout from the heart of the empire marked a symbolic turning point for Saatchi, the world's biggest advertising business until a flawed diversification led to red ink and a boardroom upheaval in recent months.
  19. Nor is Lady Archer an obvious candidate for the role of secrets trader from the Anglia boardroom.
  20. A Plessey spokesman denied that boardroom rows prompted the exit, saying Sir James's resignation, "to pursue other interests," was "amicable" and "by mutual agreement" of all parties.
  21. If anyone is qualified to make such a judgment, it's Perdue, who has worked his way up from the chicken coop to the boardroom.
  22. Also, the catalyst for change is now coming from within companies themselves - directly from the boardroom -not from some consultant's report. As a result, the consultant's role has changed.
  23. While Texaco's directors met in the Westin's grandiose 15th floor boardroom, Mr. Icahn's slate and advisors huddled into Suite 1511 of the Doubletree.
  24. He's with people at Westminster who are having their concerns agitated by elements within the Mirror - and I don't mean at boardroom level.' He added: 'There is absolutely no indication at all that this paper is drifting away from the Labour Party.
  25. Morrison Supermarkets, the Bradford-based food retailer, now stands out as a rare example of a substantial company that refuses to let any non-executives into its boardroom. Small and medium-sized companies are also warming to the theme.
  26. His relatively small stable of wealthy donors generally isn't part of the boardroom set.
  27. A week ago, the poor annual results were accompanied by sincere expressions of boardroom solidarity.
  28. Yet this is nowhere on the list. Colin Coulson-Thomas, academic and consultant in boardroom practice, agrees that the list contains some alarming omissions.
  29. BRITISH PETROLEUM shares fell by 14 per cent yesterday in the wake of Thursday evening's boardroom coup which ousted Mr Robert Horton, the chairman and chief executive.
  30. A fortnight later, Schimmelbusch was ousted, with his boardroom colleagues. Although the severity of Schmitz's response was unprecedented, the fact remains that the supervisory board failed to identify the lack of controls at MG Corp as a major risk.
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