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 blow-out 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 吹出; 爆裂

  1. M: Be sure to blow out all the candles in one puff.
  2. He draw on his cigarette and blow out a stream of smoke.
  3. Today's a Big day to Be happy aBout, your cake has five candles for you to Blow out! Have lots of fun!

Blow-out \Blow"-out`\, n.
The cleaning of the flues of a boiler from scale, etc., by a
blast of steam.

  1. After I felt the impact, I thought it was a tire blow-out." Passengers on Flight 299 "generally were calm, but I was pretty scared," Duda said.
  2. NTB quoted Saga Security Chief Aksel Arnecke as saying a new hose was underway to replace the one which broke Friday and that a first attempt to strengthen the blow-out preventor will take place within a few days.
  3. The big blow-out will come April 22 and mark the actual anniversary of the scramble by an estimated 40,000 people for 2 million acres of Indian Territory opened to white settlement.
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