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 blow-up 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Do a blow-up of this corner of the negative.
  2. Our neighbors came over right in the middle of a family blow-up.
  3. Arsene Wenger is seriously considering his future at Arsenal after a boardroom blow-up.

  1. They ascribe this to the fact that "all our pieces are now in place in the Middle East, and there hasn't been some unforeseen blow-up," such as a terrorist attack on U.S. targets.
  2. "One month we'd have a lot of blow-up palm trees, the next month T-shirts.
  3. Even then I was taking photographs, trying to understand his extraordinary technique.' In his office in the bowels of the Vatican museum he has a blow-up photograph of the 'Judgement' as he calls it affectionately.
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