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 blare [blɛr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 巨响, 吼叫声, 光泽

vi. 高声鸣叫, 大叫

vt. 大声喊出

  1. The trumpets blared out.
  2. The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears.
  3. They heard television blare.

[ noun ]
  1. a loud harsh or strident noise

  2. <noun.event>
[ verb ]
  1. make a strident sound

  2. <verb.perception> blast
    She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone
  3. make a loud noise

  4. <verb.perception>
    beep claxon honk toot
    The horns of the taxis blared

Blare \Blare\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Blared}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Blaring}.] [OE. blaren, bloren, to cry, woop; cf. G.
pl["a]rren to bleat, D. blaren to bleat, cry, weep. Prob. an
imitative word, but cf. also E. blast. Cf. {Blore}.]
To sound loudly and somewhat harshly. ``The trumpet blared.''

Blare \Blare\, v. t.
To cause to sound like the blare of a trumpet; to proclaim

To blare its own interpretation. --Tennyson.

Blare \Blare\, n.
The harsh noise of a trumpet; a loud and somewhat harsh
noise, like the blast of a trumpet; a roar or bellowing.

With blare of bugle, clamor of men. --Tennyson.

His ears are stunned with the thunder's blare. --J. R.

  1. Several jeeps carrying Revolutionary Guards drove behind the marchers, using loudspeakers to blare revolutionary songs and verses from the Koran, the holy book of Islam.
  2. Panicky sirens blare and the camera cuts to a slow pan of the emergency crew.
  3. "I shouldn't do this, but I want this shot," he says as horns blare.
  4. The atmosphere is that of a college football game: There's a nip in the air, police direct buses of excited visitors to the college campus and loudspeakers blare announcements and music.
  5. Local radio stations interrupted their programs to blare appeals from the Makassed Hospital for urgent blood donations to cope with the influx of casualties.
  6. "My Prerogative," the presidential boom box can blare.
  7. "Our friends go, but the special Cambodian-Vietnamese relationship does not," said a red banner in front of dozens of military vehicles that rumbled out of this northwestern province to the blare of a pop music band in a government-organized ceremony.
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