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 blasphemy ['blæsfɪmɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 亵渎神明, 亵渎神明的言词

[法] 冒秽罪, 侮辱, 亵秽

  1. What you are saying is blasphemy!
  2. Their conversation was full of blasphemy.
  3. Murder and blasphemy are mortal sins.

[ noun ]
  1. blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God or for something sacred)

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character

  4. <noun.act>
    desecration of the Holy Sabbath

Blasphemy \Blas"phe*my\, n. [L. blasphemia, Gr. ?: cf. OF.
1. An indignity offered to God in words, writing, or signs;
impiously irreverent words or signs addressed to, or used
in reference to, God; speaking evil of God; also, the act
of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of deity.

Note: When used generally in statutes or at common law,
blasphemy is the use of irreverent words or signs in
reference to the Supreme Being in such a way as to
produce scandal or provoke violence.

2. Figuratively, of things held in high honor: Calumny;
abuse; vilification.

Punished for his blasphemy against learning.

  1. But he told more than 800 people during a morning session that civilized people "have long abandoned burning at the stake as a response to blasphemy.
  2. Instead the rabbi gives the right answer ("That's blasphemy.").
  3. The Rushdie case has parallels with all the religions in the world. It is an issue of blasphemy of the prophets. 'In Judaism and Christianity the verdict is much harsher than in Islam.
  4. In France, which has no blasphemy law, activists have tried to ban material on grounds of defamation.
  5. The British government has refused to review the blasphemy law. "There is no general consensus for reform," says the Home Office.
  6. Ms. Wright noted that Islam "is not the only religion to condemn those who engage in blasphemy."
  7. Here the British establishment is clearly wrong-footed by the existence of the law of blasphemy, which the courts have ruled does not extend to offences against Islam.
  8. But while they spare no insult for the author they accuse of blasphemy, many in the city's narrow East End streets don't seek vengeance and reject Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's order to execute him.
  9. It is the first time in 77 years that the board of censors had rejected a film because of the blasphemy law.
  10. The vandalism of Mao's gigantic portrait with red, black and blue paint by two young men was akin to blasphemy and an isolated incident in a remarkably peaceful popular rebellion that has galvanized much of the country.
  11. Britain's rarely used blasphemy law makes it illegal only to insult the Christian state Church of England.
  12. Hussain said the Moslem campaign against the book would continue until it was withdrawn and the British law on blasphemy applied to all citizens.
  13. In Britain, the Moslem Action Group had sought to prosecute Rushdie, but a court refused to issue summonses on grounds Britain's law of blasphemy applies only to Christians.
  14. Three hundred Islamic activists marched through Dhaka yesterday, demanding that Taslima Nasrin, the feminist author who has fled to Sweden in fear for her life, be brought back to Bangladesh and tried for blasphemy, AP reports from Dhaka.
  15. "One religion is a blasphemy against another; one sect is a blasphemy of another," she said in an interview.
  16. "One religion is a blasphemy against another; one sect is a blasphemy of another," she said in an interview.
  17. "What is happening today is a shame and blasphemy.
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