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 betty ['beti]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Shall we ask Betty to join us?
  2. Betty likes Bill and is trying to be friendly, but he keeps her at arm's length.

Betty \Bet"ty\, n.
1. [Supposed to be a cant word, from Betty, for Elizabeth, as
such an instrument is also called Bess (i. e., Elizabeth)
in the Canting Dictionary of 1725, and Jenny (i. e.,
Jane).] A short bar used by thieves to wrench doors open.
[Written also {bettee}.]

The powerful betty, or the artful picklock.

2. [Betty, nickname for Elizabeth.] A name of contempt given
to a man who interferes with the duties of women in a
household, or who occupies himself with womanish matters.

3. A pear-shaped bottle covered round with straw, in which
olive oil is sometimes brought from Italy; -- called by
chemists a {Florence flask}. [U. S.] --Bartlett.

  1. Desert will be an apple and cranberry brown betty with cinnamon ice cream covered with bourbon custard sauce, followed by a demitasse of coffee.
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