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 between decks 添加此单词到默认生词本

    between decks
    [ adv ]
    in the space between decks, on a ship

    Deck \Deck\, n. [D. dek. See {Deck}, v.]
    1. The floorlike covering of the horizontal sections, or
    compartments, of a ship. Small vessels have only one deck;
    larger ships have two or three decks.

    Note: The following are the more common names of the decks of
    vessels having more than one.

    {Berth deck} (Navy), a deck next below the gun deck, where
    the hammocks of the crew are swung.

    {Boiler deck} (River Steamers), the deck on which the boilers
    are placed.

    {Flush deck}, any continuous, unbroken deck from stem to

    {Gun deck} (Navy), a deck below the spar deck, on which the
    ship's guns are carried. If there are two gun decks, the
    upper one is called the main deck, the lower, the lower
    gun deck; if there are three, one is called the middle gun

    {Half-deck}, that portion of the deck next below the spar
    deck which is between the mainmast and the cabin.

    {Hurricane deck} (River Steamers, etc.), the upper deck,
    usually a light deck, erected above the frame of the hull.

    {Orlop deck}, the deck or part of a deck where the cables are
    stowed, usually below the water line.

    {Poop deck}, the deck forming the roof of a poop or poop
    cabin, built on the upper deck and extending from the
    mizzenmast aft.

    {Quarter-deck}, the part of the upper deck abaft the
    mainmast, including the poop deck when there is one.

    {Spar deck}.
    (a) Same as the upper deck.
    (b) Sometimes a light deck fitted over the upper deck.

    {Upper deck}, the highest deck of the hull, extending from
    stem to stern.

    2. (arch.) The upper part or top of a mansard roof or curb
    roof when made nearly flat.

    3. (Railroad) The roof of a passenger car.

    4. A pack or set of playing cards.

    The king was slyly fingered from the deck. --Shak.

    5. A heap or store. [Obs.]

    Who . . . hath such trinkets
    Ready in the deck. --Massinger.

    6. (A["e]ronautics) A main a["e]roplane surface, esp. of a
    biplane or multiplane.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    7. the portion of a bridge which serves as the roadway.

    8. a flat platform adjacent to a house, usually without a
    roof; -- it is typically used for relaxing out of doors,
    outdoor cooking, or entertaining guests.

    {Between decks}. See under {Between}.

    {Deck bridge} (Railroad Engineering), a bridge which carries
    the track upon the upper chords; -- distinguished from a
    through bridge, which carries the track upon the lower
    chords, between the girders.

    {Deck curb} (Arch.), a curb supporting a deck in roof

    {Deck floor} (Arch.), a floor which serves also as a roof, as
    of a belfry or balcony.

    {Deck hand}, a sailor hired to help on the vessel's deck, but
    not expected to go aloft.

    {Deck molding} (Arch.), the molded finish of the edge of a
    deck, making the junction with the lower slope of the

    {Deck roof} (Arch.), a nearly flat roof which is not
    surmounted by parapet walls.

    {Deck transom} (Shipbuilding), the transom into which the
    deck is framed.

    {To clear the decks} (Naut.), to remove every unnecessary
    incumbrance in preparation for battle; to prepare for

    {To sweep the deck} (Card Playing), to clear off all the
    stakes on the table by winning them.

    Between \Be*tween"\, prep. [OE. bytwene, bitweonen, AS.
    betwe['o]nan, betwe['o]num; prefix be- by + a form fr. AS.
    tw[=a] two, akin to Goth. tweihnai two apiece. See {Twain},
    and cf. {Atween}, {Betwixt}.]
    1. In the space which separates; betwixt; as, New York is
    between Boston and Philadelphia.

    2. Used in expressing motion from one body or place to
    another; from one to another of two.

    If things should go so between them. --Bacon.

    3. Belonging in common to two; shared by both.

    Castor and Pollux with only one soul between them.

    4. Belonging to, or participated in by, two, and involving
    reciprocal action or affecting their mutual relation; as,
    opposition between science and religion.

    An intestine struggle, open or secret, between
    authority and liberty. --Hume.

    5. With relation to two, as involved in an act or attribute
    of which another is the agent or subject; as, to judge
    between or to choose between courses; to distinguish
    between you and me; to mediate between nations.

    6. In intermediate relation to, in respect to time, quantity,
    or degree; as, between nine and ten o'clock.

    {Between decks}, the space, or in the space, between the
    decks of a vessel.

    {Between ourselves}, {Between you and me}, {Between
    themselves}, in confidence; with the understanding that the
    matter is not to be communicated to others.

    Syn: {Between}, {Among}.

    Usage: Between etymologically indicates only two; as, a
    quarrel between two men or two nations; to be between
    two fires, etc. It is however extended to more than
    two in expressing a certain relation.

    I . . . hope that between public business,
    improving studies, and domestic pleasures,
    neither melancholy nor caprice will find any
    place for entrance. --Johnson.
    Among implies a mass or collection of
    things or persons, and always supposes more than two;
    as, the prize money was equally divided among the
    ship's crew.

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