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 attractively [ә'træktivli添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Their products are always attractively packaged.
  2. The goods for sale are set out attractively.
  3. The goods for sale are set out attractively.

[ adv ]
in a beautiful manner
her face was beautifully made up

Attractive \At*tract"ive\, a. [Cf. F. attractif.]
1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as,
the attractive force of bodies. --Sir I. Newton.

2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable
emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing. ``Attractive
graces.'' --Milton. ``Attractive eyes.'' --Thackeray.

Flowers of a livid yellow, or fleshy color, are most
attractive to flies. --Lubbock.
-- {At*tract"ive*ly}, adv. --
{At*tract"ive*ness}, n.

  1. Only recently has it been attractively redesigned and its editorial product improved.
  2. Every move is tightly directed, down to the extras who in the dazzling ball scene (attractively choreographed by Vassili Sulich) created constantly shifting views by just moving the chairs.
  3. Instead, buyers get a huge, power-operated fabric sunroof which makes it feel almost as open as a cabriolet with the side windows up. The dumpy yet attractively curvy 121 could never be mistaken for anything else.
  4. Exxon spent $1.8 billion in 1987 to acquire producing oil and gas properties in the United States, Canada and Australia and the company plans to continue investment in high-quality, attractively priced reserves, Rawl said.
  5. Analysts said that the printer isn't a threat to more entrenched laser printer makers, such as Hewlett-Packard, but that it will help Sun dealers offer more attractively priced computer packages.
  6. BP's well sites, especially those at Fur zey Island, have been attractively landscaped and incorporate many trees to screen the facilities from the public.
  7. Big voice, attractively warm; technique not equal yet to sharp rhythms, and rapport with the conductor decidedly weak.
  8. Mr. Hoffman said he is a long-term investor and bought the shares because he considered them attractively priced.
  9. Customers bought attractively packaged West German sausage for 3.99 East German marks in an East Berlin grocery store, even though a larger quantity of East German sausage cost only 79 pfennigs, about one-fifth as much.
  10. Traders said investors were unable to decide which stocks to buy, as few attractively priced stocks were left after the recent recovery of stock prices.
  11. He said that shares in Rhone-Poulenc were also likely to be attractively priced to maintain the momentum of the privatisation programme. However, Rhone-Poulenc is suffering from difficult markets.
  12. This will help us to display features and news reports more attractively.
  13. The strength of the Japanese currency is enhancing the market for yen bonds, while dollar instruments are still attractively priced for sovereign and supranational borrowers, traders said.
  14. Quayle eventually lost the battle on the Senate floor, but on television he presented his case attractively while Bentsen looked gray.
  15. They are emphasising gaining control of the supply chain and ensuring that products are consistently available, in good condition and attractively displayed at the point of sale.
  16. He says customers are more attracted to the torches if they see them fanning out attractively from a bucket, rather than stacked on a shelf.
  17. Mr Christopher Cedergren, of the Auto Pacific consultancy, says the Contour offers good 'drive-ability,' refined fitments and should be attractively priced.
  18. Interest rates were kept attractively high, though well below levels of July and August.
  19. Black is still reliable for sexy little lace or velvet numbers, and never before have silk "grain de poudre" tuxedo outfits with pants or skirts looked so attractively varied or feminine.
  20. The music has finally stopped." The stock market made a comeback today as investors snapped up issues that had been pushed to attractively low prices during Wall Street's recent weak spell.
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