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 attractiveness [ə'træktɪvnɪs添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 吸引性, 有利可图

  1. Something, such as an ornament or a figure of speech, that resembles a flower in shape, fineness, or attractiveness.
  2. His attractiveness is partly due to his self-confidence.
  3. She uses her physical attractiveness to seduce an assortment of males.

[ noun ]
  1. the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts

  2. <noun.attribute>
    her personality held a strange attraction for him
  3. sexual allure

  4. <noun.attribute>

Attractive \At*tract"ive\, a. [Cf. F. attractif.]
1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as,
the attractive force of bodies. --Sir I. Newton.

2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable
emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing. ``Attractive
graces.'' --Milton. ``Attractive eyes.'' --Thackeray.

Flowers of a livid yellow, or fleshy color, are most
attractive to flies. --Lubbock.
-- {At*tract"ive*ly}, adv. --
{At*tract"ive*ness}, n.

  1. The consequent charges for using the rail network reduces the attractiveness of investment in rail operations.
  2. James Der, a San Jose lawyer who represented Dr. Garay, said the jury's verdict may enhance "the attractiveness of wrongful-employment litigation in California."
  3. Traders have long maintained that the U.K. currency's resiliency in the face of poor economic fundamentals has stemmed from the attractiveness of relatively high British interest rates.
  4. In times of international turmoil, the dollar usually is regarded as a safe-haven, although economic trouble in the United States has dimmed its attractiveness in recent trading.
  5. This feature greatly increases the system's capacity _ and its attractiveness to businesses that may find PCNs more convenient to use in an office building than wired systems.
  6. "It's a critical step forward in giving a face lift to a city which is in desperate need to maintain its beauty and attractiveness and keep its kind of garden-spot-of-the-world atmosphere," Mayor Robert K. Tanenbaum said.
  7. The 1990 law increased the attractiveness of contributing to retirement plans, such as 401(k)s, Keoghs, individual retirement accounts, or simplified employee pension (SEP) plans.
  8. Foreign firms also lost their attractiveness because of waning profitability and worsening external conditions, such as recessionary economies.
  9. But its value could range widely depending on the attractiveness of its locations.
  10. In the letter to Bush, the governor said the administration "has made every conceivable effort" to: _Maximize the alleged attractiveness of statehood.
  11. "Today's spurt in the dollar reflects the attractiveness of Canadian interest rates," said Aron Gampel, Bank of Nova Scotia senior economist.
  12. Analysts and institutional holders are divided on the attractiveness of Olympia & York's offer.
  13. They said that high susceptibility to theft reflected a car's attractiveness and popularity as well as the ease with which it could be stolen.
  14. Antill said the cartel's supply would likely stay strong because of the attractiveness of higher prices to the producing nations.
  15. 'Exclusion would carry an economic downside,' he said during the contest for leadership of the Labour party, 'both in terms of the perception of the long-term strength of the UK economy and of our attractiveness for world investment.'
  16. He said the biotech companies' close linkages with larger companies would limit their attractiveness to other big companies that might want to acquire them.
  17. A rate cut will increase the attractiveness and the price of older, higher-coupon bonds.
  18. The auction has produced an increase of about $500 million in the French group's bid; at the same time, the junk-bond market has rallied strongly, boosting the attractiveness of the bonds in Executive Life's portfolio.
  19. Yields will simply have to rise in order to increase the attractiveness of gilts.' Mr Gray of Rothschild agrees: 'There is a huge volume of gilts in the pipeline.
  20. Jacob Dreyer, the institute's chief economist, attributed the increases largely to the growing attractiveness of yields on money market funds vs. yields on money-market accounts and short-term certificates of deposit.
  21. Many in the industry have complained that the new system is a hodge-podge of regulations that are difficult to understand, expensive to enforce and a threat to Britain's international attractiveness as a securities market.
  22. 'Boring people don't make the trip,' he says. Another important caveat to the recovery in the job market is the differential attractiveness of different qualifications.
  23. The pressure on One Liberty began when Bridgestone Corp. of Japan acquired Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. earlier this year, increasing the attractiveness of One Liberty properties leased to Firestone.
  24. This has a price, but so far the environment secretary has ducked the issue. His policy does set out some measures to reduce the attractiveness of cars, including increasing duty on fuel, electronic tolling and congestion charging in urban areas.
  25. The decline prompted the VDMA trade group, which represents the nation's machinery and plant-building industry, to charge the government with "a dangerous miscalculation as to the attractiveness of West Germany as a production site."
  26. "A lot of people looked at what he was doing as selling out to the highest bidder, so he was losing some of his attractiveness to sponsors," Ms. Ukman contends.
  27. Lower rates are generally negative for the dollar because of diminished attractiveness of dollar-denominated securities.
  28. Mr Shoenholtz reckons the rate on the benchmark bond should fall 50 basis points in the next few months. However, a further fall in long-term rates could reduce the attractiveness of long-term bonds for institutional investors.
  29. The attractiveness of Northolt to interline and feeder traffic is therefore very low.
  30. Among the things that leave them awestruck are intellectual gymnastics, a compelling ability to communicate, physical attractiveness and personal charm.
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