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    [ adj ]
    having help; often used as a combining form

    Assist \As*sist"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assisted}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Assisting}.] [L. assistere; ad + sistere to cause to
    stand, to stand, from stare to stand: cf. F. assister. See
    To give support to in some undertaking or effort, or in time
    of distress; to help; to aid; to succor.

    Assist me, knight. I am undone! --Shak.

    Syn: To help; aid; second; back; support; relieve; succor;
    befriend; sustain; favor. See {Help}.

    1. Documents show the three-term Democrat, facing re-election in 1994, assisted Keating in his bid to have Gray removed from the examination of Lincoln.
    2. As usual, the government said the guerrillas were assisted by "Pakistani militiamen and Wahhabis tied to Saudi Arabia."
    3. Antonio de Castro Mayer, bishop of Campos in Brazil, assisted at the rites and also faced automatic excommunication.
    4. In a lantern-lit inner chamber, well away from the sight of the guests, Akihito will be assisted by two female attendants as he begins the rite.
    5. Rambo to the rescue, assisted by one Afghani and a kid.
    6. The Cuban program appears to be assisted by Marc Rich & Co., a Swiss commodity trading firm.
    7. He also assisted Texaco Inc. in its defense against takeover strategist Carl Icahn and Gillette Co. in its battles against Revlon Inc. and Coniston Partners.
    8. Munck - assisted by a colleague, Douglas Hamilton - address this question in a final chapter.
    9. Although he assisted in the surgery, Mortensen would not discuss particulars of the implant, which involved insertion of the device via the neck or groin into the inferior vena cava, the large vein that brings blood to the heart.
    10. The Valdez, assisted by tugboats, was expected to come into the bay on its own power under the guidance of senior San Diego harbor pilot Capt.
    11. Didrichsons assisted in persecution, said the complaint, and concealed his membership in the Kommando when he applied for citizenship as well as when he entered the country.
    12. However, that exemption only applies to assisted acquisitions that are closed by Dec. 31.
    13. In a January indictment against several members of the ring, the government alleged, among other things, that the two attorneys accompanied the undocumented aliens to immigration offices and assisted them in filing the documents.
    14. Total preparation time for the lunch for 14 people will be about four hours, said Doherty, who was being assisted by two other Waldorf chefs.
    15. Defense activities are monitored totally by 55 subcommittees of 29 congressional committees, assisted by more than 20,000 staff and supporting agency members."
    16. At about Pounds 100,000 an acre, it is competitively priced compared with other locations in the north west. Preston receives aid under the urban programme and also derelict land clearance grants, but it does not qualify for assisted area status.
    17. Clark will be assisted by longtime cast members Grandpa Jones, Minnie Pearl and others at a television studio at Opryland USA, where the show is taped, program spokesman Cliff Dektar said Wednesday.
    18. Batchelder and Craig assisted Mr. Pickens with stock investments and takeover attempts, which were somewhat separate from Mesa's main oil-and-gas exploration and development business.
    19. He is assisted by Steve Smith on drums, Steve Kindler on violin and Issac Epps on hand percussion.
    20. These activists assisted Col. North in funneling money to the Contras in 1985 and 1986.
    21. ACE, an acronym for Amalgamated Commercial Enterprise Inc. was used as a front for the services of Southern Air, which assisted in the Contra resupply operation.
    22. The government's assisted places scheme also helped. Schools are understandably cagey about announcing their use of bursaries to parents, as they do not want to raise hopes.
    23. It is often forgotten that Lenin assisted Kemal Ataturk's revolution with money and weapons.
    24. But he said the homeless shelter should help people overcome any shame since they will encounter and be assisted by other veterans.
    25. Earlier, Officer Scott Thompson testified that Miss Gabor cursed him as he assisted Kramer.
    26. First City Bancorp. of Texas, fresh from a $1.5 billion federally assisted bailout, said it had net income of $17.2 million, or 70 cents a share, in its first 72 days as a recapitalized company.
    27. Members of the marshals' special operations group assisted by Drug Enforcement Administration agents took Bueno into custody Saturday moring and flew him to Tallahassee aboard a jet that landed here at 10 a.m.
    28. Walter Raffeiner was the authentic Gorbachev impersonator, assisted by Adolf Dresen's stage director and Irina Rumina's repetiteur.
    29. Defense attorney John B.B. Lewis, assisted by a nurse, pushed his client out of the courtroom and into an elevator without commenting on the case.
    30. I like to make them assisted by Christopher Lloydisms, "mots" culled from that pungent English garden writer's book "Clematis."
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