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 assisting [ə'sɪst添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Assist \As*sist"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assisted}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Assisting}.] [L. assistere; ad + sistere to cause to
    stand, to stand, from stare to stand: cf. F. assister. See
    To give support to in some undertaking or effort, or in time
    of distress; to help; to aid; to succor.

    Assist me, knight. I am undone! --Shak.

    Syn: To help; aid; second; back; support; relieve; succor;
    befriend; sustain; favor. See {Help}.

    1. In 1945, he left school to put his language skills to use as an interpreter for U.S. soldiers assisting the Nationalist army.
    2. Prosecutors are relying heavily on court-approved wiretaps from late 1987 and early 1988 to provide evidence that Aguilar tried to influence the outcomes of cases by approaching two fellow judges and assisting in criminal appeals.
    3. A few "no" votes were heard when Harris was elected to the position of suffragan, or assisting bishop, for the eastern Massachusetts diocese, but Harris said she hasn't personally encountered opposition.
    4. Mr. Dass says many critics are more interested in "putting forth their point of view" than in assisting victims.
    5. Still, West Germany and a number of other countries, where firms are suspected of assisting Libya, were skeptical.
    6. There is so little faith in declarations of policy from Washington that it is even doubted whether in fact the U.S. is not indirectly assisting the insurrection and will not make some attempt to remove Saddam, which it will probably bungle.
    7. Worried about encirclement by pro-Soviet countries, including Cambodia, China's highest priority is to hasten Vietnam's withdrawal from that country by assisting the Khmer Rouge.
    8. Miranda is the fourth co-defendant awaiting trial on charges of assisting Noriega in drug trafficking.
    9. Some of these funds have also been necessarily committed to budget support and assisting the Palestinians establish a bureaucracy.
    10. Mr Mellor will bear a heavy responsibility in making a success of it, and will need his robust debating and bargaining skills. He spoke yesterday of seeing a role for government in assisting 'the accessibility of the arts.'
    11. North is accused of lying to Congress to cover up his role in secretly assisting the Contras and lying to the attorney general about aspects of the diversion of funds to the Contras from the Iran arms sales.
    12. North said he balked at making the changes, telling McFarlane that "there must be 30 documents that are full" of similar references to assisting the Contras during a congressional ban on military aid to the rebels.
    13. The United States has had a DEA and military presence in Bolivia since July 1986 when 175 U.S. troops spent three months assisting Bolivian police in anti-drug operations.
    14. In 1984, Ellen Altmann's boss at LaGuardia Hospital told her she was spending too much time assisting a man who had AIDS.
    15. The safety agency concluded that Chevron was aware that workers responsible for assisting firefighters should have had protective equipment and clothing.
    16. "We've gotten an enormous amount of volunteer work going on, with people assisting units that have mobilized - lawyers helping draw up wills, helping with family support groups, things like that," said Brig. Gen.
    17. In all, some 700 rescue workers _ including 341 members of the Ohio National Guard _ are assisting flood victims.
    18. Although he is assisting efforts to raise the money, he said the party will make decisions on spending it.
    19. "Rather than showing contrition or remorse, Mr. Boesky has demonstrated no interest in assisting his former limited partners," the letter said.
    20. Four of the 12 criminal charges against North are that he obstructed Congress or made false statements by preparing written denials in 1985 that National Security Council staffers were involved in assisting the Contras.
    21. Reagan said he hadn't known McFarlane had pleaded guilty in connection with the letters and said he didn't know the Tower commission which he appointed had concluded North was assisting the Contras militarily.
    22. NOAA scientists have done an excellent job in assisting in easing the impacts of spills in Alaska, Delaware, Texas and elsewhere, said Stevens.
    23. If the Soviets decide to stop assisting the Afghan government, the United States might be prepared to follow suit with a "symmetrical" cessation of its aid to the resistance.
    24. People have come to us because they have discovered grants are available.' Mr Iain Robertson, chief executive of HIE, believes that the openness policy is assisting economic development.
    25. The Kennedy is among the warships enforcing economic sanctions on Iraq and assisting in the defense of Saudi Arabia.
    26. This person focuses on possibilities, thinks in terms of values, and comes easily to decisions. INFJs have a strong drive to help others and genuinely enjoy assisting their fellow men.
    27. Yesterday, the company said it is assisting the SEC in its investigation.
    28. Stewart said it was unclear why minority students were gaining. One explanation is that federal programs such as Head Start begun in the 1960s and 1970s and aimed at assisting poor students are now paying off in higher minority SAT scores.
    29. Tufts Department of Urban and Environmental Policy is assisting in development of the new program.
    30. North is accused of lying to Congress to cover up his role in secretly assisting the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, and lying to the attorney general about the diversion of funds to the Contras from the Reagan administration's secret arms sales to Iran.
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