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 assimilating [ə'sɪml.`et添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 同化的, 同化(作用)

    [ adj ]
    capable of taking (gas, light, or liquids) into a solution
    an assimilative substance

    Assimilate \As*sim"i*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assimilated};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Assimilating}.] [L. assimilatus, p. p. of
    assimilare; ad + similare to make like, similis like. See
    {Similar}, {Assemble}, {Assimilate}.]
    1. To bring to a likeness or to conformity; to cause a
    resemblance between. --Sir M. Hale.

    To assimilate our law to the law of Scotland. --John

    Fast falls a fleecy; the downy flakes
    Assimilate all objects. --Cowper.

    2. To liken; to compa?e. [R.]

    3. To appropriate and transform or incorporate into the
    substance of the assimilating body; to absorb or
    appropriate, as nourishment; as, food is assimilated and
    converted into organic tissue.

    Hence also animals and vegetables may assimilate
    their nourishment. --Sir I.

    His mind had no power to assimilate the lessons.

    assimilating \assimilating\ adj.
    tending to or characterized by or causing assimilation (being
    absorbed into or incorporated).

    Syn: assimilative, assimilatory.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. These distinctions are crucial to the historical American genius in assimilating ethnic groups, in which quotas were anathema and the "the balanced ticket" was apple pie.
    2. Takeover rules will be agreed, possibly through Brussels, assimilating the best from all worlds.
    3. He expects assimilating the refugees, most of whom don't speak Turkish and 20% of whom are skilled fighters, to be difficult.
    4. At the same time, there are signs that the Japanese businesses are assimilating some of the local culture.
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