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 assimilation [ə`sɪml.'eʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 同化, 同化作用, 吸收

[化] 同化; 同化作用

[医] 同化[作用]

[经] 吸收

  1. The assimilation of people in USA is common.
  2. The assimilation of some foods is more easily than that of others.
  3. Assimilation of ideas or information; understanding.

[ noun ]
  1. the state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family

  2. <noun.state>
  3. the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another

  4. <noun.process>
  5. the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion

  6. <noun.process>
  7. a linguistic process by which a sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound

  8. <noun.process>
  9. the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure

  10. <noun.cognition>
  11. in the theories of Jean Piaget: the application of a general schema to a particular instance

  12. <noun.cognition>

Assimilation \As*sim`i*la"tion\, n. [L. assimilatio: cf. F.
1. The act or process of assimilating or bringing to a
resemblance, likeness, or identity; also, the state of
being so assimilated; as, the assimilation of one sound to

To aspire to an assimilation with God. --Dr. H.

The assimilation of gases and vapors. --Sir J.

2. (Physiol.) The conversion of nutriment into the fluid or
solid substance of the body, by the processes of digestion
and absorption, whether in plants or animals.

Not conversing the body, not repairing it by
assimilation, but preserving it by ventilation.
--Sir T.

Note: The term assimilation has been limited by some to the
final process by which the nutritive matter of the
blood is converted into the substance of the tissues
and organs.

Photosynthesis \Pho`to*syn"the*sis\, n. (Plant Physiol.)
The process of constructive metabolism by which carbohydrates
are formed from water vapor and the carbon dioxide of the air
in the chlorophyll-containing tissues of plants exposed to
the action of light. It was formerly called {assimilation},
but this is now commonly used as in animal physiology. The
details of the process are not yet clearly known. Baeyer's
theory is that the carbon dioxide is reduced to carbon
monoxide, which, uniting with the hydrogen of the water in
the cell, produces formaldehyde, the latter forming various
sugars through polymerization. Vines suggests that the
carbohydrates are secretion products of the chloroplasts,
derived from decomposition of previously formed proteids. The
food substances are usually quickly translocated, those that
accumulate being changed to starch, which appears in the
cells almost simultaneously with the sugars. The chloroplasts
perform photosynthesis only in light and within a certain
range of temperature, varying according to climate. This is
the only way in which a plant is able to organize
carbohydrates. All plants without a chlorophyll apparatus, as
the fungi, must be parasitic or saprophytic. --
{Pho`to*syn*thet"ic}, a. -- {Pho`to*syn*thet"ic*al*ly}, adv.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

  1. "There's very little assimilation of the Winter Texans into the local culture," says Mr. Rush, the former Pan American professor.
  2. The violence stems from ethnic Turks' opposition to a Bulgarian assimilation campaign, which includes forcing the country's 900,000 ethnic Turks to change their Moslem names.
  3. The group demands secession of Jammu-Kashmir state from India and its assimilation into Pakistan.
  4. "One of the factors making Detroit different is we have this constant influx of immigrants and they pull you back from assimilation," Abraham says. "They're always trying to re-create home." DETROIT: re-create home."
  5. Those who favor conciliation and greater autonomy and development aid for Tibetans hope to gain time for a gradual cultural assimilation under the gentle pressure of Chinese schools, television and other influences.
  6. According to an assimilation policy adopted under ousted hard-line leader Todor Zhivkov, the ethnic Turks were forced to change their names to Bulgarian ones.
  7. Opposition leaders and Western diplomats say the deep mistrust between nationalist Slavs and ethnic Turks has been fanned since the mid-1980s by Zhivkov's assimilation policy and by anti-Turkish propaganda.
  8. On Monday, the legislature enacted a law restoring the names of the 1.5 million ethnic Turks and other Moslems forced to adopt Bulgarian names in an assimilation campaign authored by the Communists.
  9. Although Franklin Roosevelt's administration reversed the policy and originated the "government-to-government" idea, the Eisenhower administration called for "termination" of tribes leading to assimilation of Indians in the larger culture.
  10. When assimilation didn't turn out to be so inevitable, the Herald began to experiment.
  11. Not just about the Holocaust, but about its assimilation. This is why the American chapters take up nearly two-thirds of the book.
  12. The Turks say they are fleeing a harsh assimilation campaign that has forced them to use Slavic rather than Moslem names.
  13. Bulgaria started an assimilation campaign in 1984 by forcing the estimated 900,000 ethnic Turks to change their Moslem names to Slavic ones.
  14. The forum was convened after thousands of nationalists converged on the capital last week to protest changing the assimilation policy.
  15. To the north, Georgians say they have been more successful than their Caucasus neighbors at resisting "russification" because they tend to stick close to home, limiting assimilation.
  16. Some ethnic Turks at the Paris conference say Bulgaria is imprisoning, torturing, exiling or killing those who resist assimilation.
  17. The greatest of these, and a 'priority' often mentioned by Mr Kohl in recent weeks but neglected yesterday, is the assimilation of the former East Germany.
  18. The mass migration began when Bulgaria expelled leaders of a protest against the 5-year-old assimilation campaign.
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