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 ascertained [æsə'teind添加此单词到默认生词本
确定, 探知

    [ adj ]
    discovered or determined by scientific observation
    variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factorsthe discovered behavior norms
    discovered differences in achievement
    no explanation for the observed phenomena

    Ascertain \As`cer*tain"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ascertained}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Ascertaining}.] [OF. acertener; a (L. ad) +
    certain. See {Certain}.]
    1. To render (a person) certain; to cause to feel certain; to
    make confident; to assure; to apprise. [Obs.]

    When the blessed Virgin was so ascertained. --Jer.

    Muncer assured them that the design was approved of
    by Heaven, and that the Almighty had in a dream
    ascertained him of its effects. --Robertson.

    2. To make (a thing) certain to the mind; to free from
    obscurity, doubt, or change; to make sure of; to fix; to
    determine. [Archaic]

    The divine law . . . ascertaineth the truth.

    The very deferring [of his execution] shall increase
    and ascertain the condemnation. --Jer. Taylor.

    The ministry, in order to ascertain a majority . . .
    persuaded the queen to create twelve new peers.

    The mildness and precision of their laws ascertained
    the rule and measure of taxation. --Gibbon.

    3. To find out or learn for a certainty, by trial,
    examination, or experiment; to get to know; as, to
    ascertain the weight of a commodity, or the purity of a

    He was there only for the purpose of ascertaining
    whether a descent on England was practicable.

    1. Saudi sources ascertained that Mr. Yamani is under strict orders from King Fahd to refrain from any comments on the kingdom's oil policy if he wishes to retain his freedom of movement.
    2. The judge, he noted, has already ascertained that Ms. Morrow is a member of what is known in the law as a "protected class."
    3. Equally, it cannot be ascertained whether 'hurdles' are being erected by means of criteria for (new members') acceptance into Nato.
    4. "I do not think it is unreasonable to pose the question: What realistically can be ascertained from continuing experiments and spending half a million dollars, and possibly more, of taxpayers' funds?"
    5. The FBI already has said it has found nothing to suggest the burglaries are connected to each other and has ascertained no pattern to them.
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