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 ascertainment   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 弄清, 发现, 确定, 查明

[法] 查明, 调查确实

  1. The empirical formulation and some conclusions induced by the model will provide reference for ascertainment of the transverse mixing coefficient in natural streams.
  2. Where necessary, the people's court, having accepted the application for ascertainment of a citizen's incapacity or restricted capacity for civil action, shall conduct a corroboration on the citizen in question.
  3. Moreover the paper discusses the research on contemporary chinese by the follow three aspects: ascertainment of the range of quantifier, the theory and method of the research on quantifyier, and the overlap and rhetoric of qua

Ascertainment \As`cer*tain"ment\, n.
The act of ascertaining; a reducing to certainty; a finding
out by investigation; discovery.

The positive ascertainment of its limits. --Burke.

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