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 army corps 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. These forces later grew into an army corps and still more troops came under its influence; only then did the Northern Expedition take place.
  2. At present there are things for which we should secure prior consent from the Kuomintang, such as the expansion of our three divisions into three army corps-- this is to report first and act afterw
  3. An accurate stage-by- stage itinerary prepared by the First Army Corps showed that its route covered a total of18,088 li, or6000 miles— about twice the width of the American continent— and this fig

army corps
[ noun ]
an army unit usually consisting of two or more divisions and their support

Corps \Corps\ (k[=o]r, pl. k[=o]rz), n. sing. & pl. [F., fr. L.
corpus body. See {Corpse}.]
1. The human body, whether living or dead. [Obs.] See
{Corpse}, 1.

By what craft in my corps, it cometh [commences] and
where. --Piers

2. A body of men; esp., an organized division of the military
establishment; as, the marine corps; the corps of
topographical engineers; specifically, an army corps.

A corps operating with an army should consist of
three divisions of the line, a brigade of artillery,
and a regiment of cavalry. --Gen. Upton
(U. S.
Tactics. )

3. A body or code of laws. [Obs.]

The whole corps of the law. --Bacon.

4. (Eccl.) The land with which a prebend or other
ecclesiastical office is endowed. [Obs.]

The prebendaries over and above their reserved rents
have a corps. --Bacon.

5. [Ger.] In some countries of Europe, a form of students'
social society binding the members to strict adherence to
certain student customs and its code of honor; -- Ger.
spelling usually {korps}.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{Army corps}, or (French) {Corps d'arm['e]e} (k[-o]r`
d[aum]r`m[asl]"), a body containing two or more divisions
of a large army, organized as a complete army in itself.

{Corps de logis} (k[-o]r` de l[-o]`zh[-e]") [F., body of the
house], the principal mass of a building, considered apart
from its wings.

{Corps diplomatique} (k?r d?`pl?`m?-t?k") [F., diplomatic
body], the body of ministers or envoys accredited to a

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