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 army worm 添加此单词到默认生词本

    army worm
    [ noun ]
    noctuid moth larvae that travel in multitudes destroying especially grass and grain

    armyworm \armyworm\, Army worm \Ar"my worm`\ (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) A lepidopterous insect, which in the larval state often
    travels in great multitudes from field to field,
    destroying grass, grain, and other crops. The common army
    worm of the northern United States is the noctuid moth
    ({Pseudaletia unipuncta}, formerly {Leucania unipuncta}.
    The name is often applied to other related species, as
    the cotton worm.
    (b) The larva of a small two-winged fly ({Sciara}), which
    marches in large companies, in regular order. See {Cotton
    worm}, under {Cotton}.

    Syn: army worm

    2. the larva of the fungus gnat; -- they march in large
    companies in regular order.
    [WordNet 1.5] ||

    Caterpillar \Cat"er*pil`lar\, n. [OE. catyrpel, corrupted fr.
    OF. chatepelouse, or cate pelue, fr. chate, F. chatte,
    she-cat, fem. of chat, L. catus + L. pilosus hairy, or F.
    pelu hairy, fr. L. pilus hair. See {Cat}, and {Pile} hair.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) The larval state of a butterfly or any
    lepidopterous insect; sometimes, but less commonly, the
    larval state of other insects, as the sawflies, which are
    also called false caterpillars. The true caterpillars have
    three pairs of true legs, and several pairs of abdominal
    fleshy legs (prolegs) armed with hooks. Some are hairy,
    others naked. They usually feed on leaves, fruit, and
    succulent vegetables, being often very destructive, Many
    of them are popularly called worms, as the {cutworm},
    {cankerworm}, {army worm}, {cotton worm}, {silkworm}.

    2. (Bot.) A plant of the genus {Scorpiurus}, with pods
    resembling caterpillars.

    {Caterpillar catcher}, or {Caterpillar eater} (Zo["o]l.), a
    bird belonging to the family of Shrikes, which feeds on
    caterpillars. The name is also given to several other

    {Caterpillar hunter} (Zo["o]l.), any species of beetles of
    the genus {Callosoma} and other allied genera of the
    family {Carabid[ae]} which feed habitually upon

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