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 armor-plated 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 装甲的

    [ adj ]
    covered with heavy steel
    armor-plated vehicles

    Armor-plated \Ar"mor-plat`ed\, a.
    Covered with defensive plates of metal, as a ship of war;

    This day will be launched . . . the first armor-plated
    steam frigate in the possession of Great Britain.
    --Times (Dec. 29, 1860).

    armor-clad \armor-clad\ armor-plated \armor-plated\
    armour-plated \armour-plated\ armour-clad \armour-clad\adj.
    1. 1 protected with a covering of armor.

    Syn: steel-plated.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. The attorney general has been using an armor-plated limousine, which cost more than $100,000, for three or four weeks, said Justice Department spokesman David Runkel.
    2. A survivor was quoted as saying the rebels used armor-plated bulldozers to mount the assault.
    3. But EOD workers deflect the dangers of their trade with armor-plated machismo.
    4. But armor-plated locomotives have made test runs since late May, according to a diplomatic source in the Malawi capital of Lilongwe.
    5. Bush and his wife, Barbara, emerged three times from their armor-plated limousine to walk along parts of the parade route from the Capitol to the mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where they have a four-year lease.
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