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 armored ['ɑ:mәd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 装甲的

  1. Designed for combat or defense against armored vehicles, especially tanks.
  2. A low, heavily armored structure, usually rotating horizontally, containing mounted guns and their gunners or crew, as on a warship or tank.
  3. Armored forces are required to drive all the tanks.

[ adj ]
  1. protected by armor (used of persons or things military)

  2. <adj.all>
  3. used of animals; provided with protective covering

  4. <adj.all>
  5. equipped with the complete arms and armor of a warrior

  6. <adj.all>

Armored \Ar"mored\, a.
Clad with armor.

  1. Insurgents overran seven Afghan army posts in Logar province in the first week of April and, on Monday, a 450-unit Soviet convoy including more than 100 armored vehicles headed south toward the province from Kabul, the diplomats reported.
  2. At the most dramatic moments, the screen showed Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, bundled out of an armored personnel carrier and put on trial.
  3. Friday's battle began when about 1,000 riot police, backed by armored vans with multiple tear gas launchers, stormed the campus to stop a rally acy.
  4. The spokesman said the militia will evacuate some 400 fighters, 40 tanks and 50 armored personnel carriers from Beirut's Christian sector.
  5. In the village, a much-shelled collection of mud-brick ruins long since abandoned by civilians, uniformed mujahedeen sat atop tanks and armored personnel carriers, waving banners and chanting in Farsi: "Today Mehran, tomorrow Tehran."
  6. Police, bolstered by crack paramilitary troops from the federal border patrol, rolled in Wednesday morning with armored personnel carriers and bulldozers and evicted the radicals.
  7. The government newspaper Izvestia said the belligerents were using helicopters without markings and armored vehicles captured from military bases.
  8. The full name of the armored company is Vets International Armored Transport.
  9. Some of the Soviet Union's most sophisticated military technology, including SS-21 surface-to-surface missiles, T-72 tanks, anti-aircraft weapons, armored personnel carriers and rocket launchers followed.
  10. The Soviet-sponsored government said the soldiers killed at least 287 guerrillas, wounded 238 and captured tanks, armored personnel carriers and ammunition.
  11. Authorities made no attempt to disperse the pro-Front demonstrators, but there was a cordon of soldiers, tanks and armored cars outside the Foreign Ministry building that houses the government headquarters.
  12. The Western nations are trying to present a united front while Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev carries out unilateral cuts in Soviet defense spending and armored divisions and troops in Eastern Europe.
  13. Other programs expected to be cut include the Air Force's B-2 stealth bomber and the army's next generation of tanks and armored vehicles.
  14. First, it's assumed that a big slice of Iraq's tanks, armored vehicles and artillery pieces have been knocked out of commission by air bombing.
  15. A line of more than 36 tanks and armored personnel carriers was parked Tuesday along the northern edge of the square in front of the imperial palace.
  16. A second train, laden with 33 armored vehicles, left a few hours later from the Domasov nad Bystrici station near a Red Army base at Libava in eastern Czechoslovakia.
  17. Dozens of armored vehicles had been deployed in support of the military occupation of the square ever since troops of the People's Liberation Army swept away thousands of pro-democracy students from the area early June 4.
  18. Officials delivered the armored car in the late afternoon and the prisoners fled, after trading the guards for four state troopers, Globo reported.
  19. Dozens of tanks, armored personnel carriers and trucks carrying hundreds of soldiers were seen crossing the border back into Iraq at the Safwan checkpoint, about 30 miles south of the Iraqi port city of Basra.
  20. Riot police fought back, firing volleys of tear gas from armored vans and rifles and hurling tear gas grenades and rocks across the walls and locked gates.
  21. Two members of an Israeli-sponsored militia were killed Thursday when their armored personnel carrier hit a mine in Israel's south Lebanon "security zone," police reported.
  22. After rows of armored personnel carriers, tanks and rocket launchers passed, Gorbachev, anti-establishment Mayor Gavriil Popov and other leaders filed down the front steps of the mausoleum to lead a people's parade.
  23. About 3,000 police officers using dogs and backed by light armored cars took part in the mass roundup.
  24. About 250 Israeli troops and militiamen of the South Lebanon Army in 29 tanks and armored vehicles pulled back to the security zone before dawn after searching a 24-square-mile area for guerrillas.
  25. An additional column of some 15 armored personnel carriers had moved through Vilnius in the early morning hours, Lithuanian officials said.
  26. The road then becomes a military supply corridor with long processions of trucks and tanks and armored personnel carriers.
  27. Soldiers in armored personnel carriers and police with automatic weapons patrolled the streets of the capital of 1.5 million on Wednesday.
  28. FMC Corp. moved toward increased weapons sales in the Middle East by signing a $1 billion pact to jointly produce armored vehicles for Turkey and announcing a $400 million sale to Saudi Arabia.
  29. Paramilitary police are unlocking the doors, except for the one that an armored personnel carrier bashed in a few days earlier.
  30. They talk of fast-moving armored forces vying for position that gives them the "flank shot" that hits an enemy tank in its most vulnerable spot, anywhere but the heavily protected nose.
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