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 alderman ['ɔldɚmən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 市政委员会委员, 高级市政官

[法] 市议员, 市长助理, 地方官

  1. The alderman was respected by the citizens.
  2. The alderman was respected by the citizens.
  3. The alderman had hunderds of people at his feet.

[ noun ]
a member of a municipal legislative body (as a city council)
aldermen usually represent city wards

Alderman \Al"der*man\ ([add]l"d[~e]r*man), n.; pl. {Aldermen}.
[AS. aldormon, ealdorman; ealdor an elder + man. See {Elder},
1. A senior or superior; a person of rank or dignity. [Obs.]

Note: The title was applied, among the Anglo-Saxons, to
princes, dukes, earls, senators, and presiding
magistrates; also to archbishops and bishops, implying
superior wisdom or authority. Thus Ethelstan, duke of
the East-Anglians, was called Alderman of all England;
and there were aldermen of cities, counties, and
castles, who had jurisdiction within their respective

3. One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order
to the mayor and having a legislative function. They may,
in some cases, individually exercise some magisterial and
administrative functions.

  1. Sawyer was a South Side alderman for 16 years before becoming mayor.
  2. Evans, 45, is a Democratic South Side alderman who skipped the primary to run on the Harold Washington Party ticket.
  3. A city alderman is creating a stir with his proposal that the city council stop reciting the Pledge of Allegiance regularly.
  4. He cited the county's integrated school system, the black city policemen and firemen, and the city's black alderman _ there also are four whites on the City Council _ as evidence that Philadelphia is not the same place it was when the murders occurred.
  5. City officials have rejected a proposal to name a street after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., triggering complaints from a black alderman that the decision was a step backward in race relations.
  6. Hopkins' reply _ "You call it a person, alderman" _ was interrupted by the committee chairwoman, Alderwoman Anna Langford, who chided Hagopian for being out of order.
  7. Two open seat races in Ohio and Connecticut appeared to offer the best chance of producing the first black Republican member of the House since 1935: former Cincinnati Mayor J. Kenneth Blackwell and alderman Gary Franks in Waterbury, Conn.
  8. While there, he was elected twice to the position of alderman in New Haven, Conn.
  9. After Washington's death, Sawyer, a former alderman, was selected acting mayor by the City Council.
  10. Robinson, a Savannah city alderman, was black and did legal work for the NAACP.
  11. Vrdolyak, a former county Democratic party chairman and alderman, has lost his last two tries for elected office.
  12. "Richard Daley is getting ready to reopen his father's plantation," Evans, a South Side alderman, told a rally of 12,000 supporters gathered at the University of Illinois-Chicago early last week.
  13. McGee says he has worked within the system most of his public career, whether as a Vietnam War medic, political activist or alderman.
  14. Washington was the city's first black mayor, and the City Council elected Eugene Sawyer, a black South Side alderman, to be interim mayor following Washington's death.
  15. Vrdolyak, a former alderman who announced himself as a write-in candidate just six days before Tuesday's mayoral primary, became the apparent Republican winner after a canvass Thursday by the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.
  16. In recent weeks, a Chicago alderman has proposed an ordinance that would bar First Chicago and Harris Trust & Savings Bank, the city's third-largest bank, from doing business with the city unless they lowered their rates.
  17. A black alderman dropped out of the race for mayor Thursday, warning of a return to "machine politics" unless blacks can agree upon a candidate to oppose the son of the late Mayor Richard J. Daley.
  18. Franks, a Yale-educated businessman and alderman in Waterbury, Conn., won an open seat race against former Democratic Rep. Toby Moffett.
  19. Sawyer is a black Democratic alderman popular with enemies of Washington, Chicago's first black mayor.
  20. The number takes in party and elected officials, and some no longer in office, down to the level of local clerk, alderman, local committee member and school board member.
  21. Evans, who was Washington's floor leader in the council, is a black South Side alderman.
  22. A three-term alderman, wealthy landowner and real estate developer, he says that when he campaigned before black audiences, he tried to get them to see beyond labels.
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