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 Aldermaston   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "The early Aldermaston marches were very important world events and we hope that it might get back to being on that scale," Tomms said.
    2. The buildings at the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, 50 miles from London, will not be ready until 1992 and deployment of the missiles was planned for the mid-1990s.
    3. The Independent reported that mistakes in building the Aldermaston facility meant having to tear out piping, wiring and fittings from buidlings designed before it was known what equipment they were to house.
    4. However, the Aldermaston contract is of such a significant size, with sales probably about Pounds 250m, that investors may want to wait to see that it fulfils the promise that has so excited Hunting's board.
    5. The $1.7 billion new building, known as A90, at Aldermaston was too complex for the Atomic Weapons Facility to handle and private consultants had to be called in, the report said.
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