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 alcohol-free 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. A spokeswoman says the alcohol-free fragrance has a "citrus scent that simply enhances the natural smell of a baby."
    2. Mrs. Bush made a brief Friday afternoon stop at the Basement, an alcohol-free nightclub established last year by parents who wanted to give teen-agers a safe place to go to on weekend nights.
    3. THE NEWS from Munich is not good: the Bavarians have gone over to light if not alcohol-free beer.
    4. Clients must be drug- or alcohol-free for 30 days and in good health before being accepted for treatment, she said.
    5. That, and being drug and alcohol-free, and being motivated to move ahead with life.
    6. "I thought I'd be riding the lead tank into Baghdad by now," he says, spitting snuff-juice into an empty can of alcohol-free beer.
    7. Some people also were turned off by alcohol-free malt beverages in the past because of a burnt taste.
    8. After allowing alcohol-free beer in 1986, festival organizers finally gave in to dairy farmers' five-year campaign to set up a milk bar.
    9. Now proudly nicotine- and alcohol-free, he spends more time with his family and rides a bicycle nearly every day.
    10. Milwaukee-based Miller introduced the alcohol-free beer in December, producing it at its breweries in Albany, Ga., and Eden. N.C.
    11. Diane Pfannenstiel, 29, was about four months pregnant when she was arrested Jan. 4, two months after another judge ordered her to remain alcohol-free.
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