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 alcoholic [`ælkə'hɔlɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 酒鬼, 酒精中毒者

a. 酒精的

[医] 醇的, 嗜酒者

  1. Home-made wine can be very alcoholic.
  2. He was in an alcoholic stupor.
  3. He'd better watch himself or he'll be going the way of his father and ending up an alcoholic.

[ noun ]
  1. a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. characteristic of or containing alcohol

  2. <adj.all>
    alcoholic drinks
  3. addicted to alcohol

  4. <adj.all>
    alcoholic expatriates in Paris

Alcoholic \Al`co*hol"ic\, n.
1. A person given to the use of alcoholic liquors.

2. pl. Alcoholic liquors.

Alcoholic \Al`co*hol"ic\, a. [Cf. F. alcolique.]
Of or pertaining to alcohol, or partaking of its qualities;
derived from, or caused by, alcohol; containing alcohol; as,
alcoholic mixtures; alcoholic gastritis; alcoholic odor.

  1. The nation's past presidents may need more advertising, judging from a survey that found youngsters able to name more brands of alcoholic beverages than former chief executives.
  2. White House officials said Mr. Miller was reproved for assertions cited in the article, especially his suggestion that the administration might favor raising "sin" taxes on items such as cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  3. It stockpiles or resells the staple at subsidized prices that are several times higher than world market prices. Limited amounts of rice are imported for production of other foods and alcoholic beverages.
  4. Despite the study's harsh conclusions, alcoholic beverage companies show no sign of changing their ways.
  5. Jones, a recovering alcoholic and an actor who played Cooter the mechanic in the television series, "Dukes of Hazzard," is taking his second shot at Swindall's seat.
  6. But Plotkin said no other drugs, medication, or alcoholic beverages were involved in her recent hospitalization.
  7. Doctors long assumed that weakness among heavy drinkers, a condition called chronic alcoholic myopathy, resulted from malnutrition, because alcoholics often eat poorly.
  8. The package also includes a provision that would create a licensing system for tobacco retailers similar to the system used to control the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  9. "I attended a going-away party at noon and the only alcoholic beverage was consumed by the guest of honor.
  10. It asked the court to allow all brewers the right to display alcoholic content by volume in beer.
  11. They are dark red wines, full in flavor, rich, alcoholic.
  12. The headline rate will be pushed down by lower mortgage rates and a sharp fall in petrol costs, but seasonal food prices usually rise in January and alcoholic drinks may cost more as Christmas offers end.
  13. Prouse's attorney, Peter Wold, said in his opening statement that Prouse is an alcoholic and thus has a high tolerance for alcohol.
  14. Rostenkowski, D-Ill., proposed eliminating the federal deficit by freezing most domestic spending for a year, including Social Security; cutting military spending, and raising income taxes and fees on gasoline and alcoholic beverages.
  15. Imports of alcoholic beverages rose 34.5% to $114.7 million, and Japan's purchases of art from the EC countries doubled, reaching $157.1 million in May.
  16. Turk said that Deaver had been an alcoholic for many years before he sought treatment and that both his parents are recovering alcoholics.
  17. Warning labels would be required on alcoholic beverage containders under legislation approved by the Senate.
  18. The deficit bill would raise taxes on tobacco, alcoholic beverages and airplane tickets and levy a new luxury tax on part of the price of expensive cars, boats, planes, furs and jewels.
  19. The doctors commented that alcoholic patients seeking liver transplants, operations that in tough cases can take 20 hours or more, may be a "self-screening" group already committed to changing their habits.
  20. Lula's alcoholic, nymphomaniac mother _ played by Dern's real-life mother, Diane Ladd _ tries in vain to get rid of the hapless Sailor.
  21. Uncooled beer and wine are the only alcoholic beverages gas stations can sell now, thanks to a recent ruling by the city's planning commission aimed at making chilled spirits less convenient to drivers making pit stops.
  22. Champale makes and markets alcoholic malt beverages.
  23. "The fact that it (AA) is one recovering alcoholic helping another one introduces a whole new experience of trust and honesty and mutual dependency which the Soviet people are not familiar with," Canty said.
  24. Such tests, the scientists say, could help divert children predisposed to alcoholism from situations that increase the chances of becoming an alcoholic.
  25. Mr. Clowes sought damages, asserting that he was an alcoholic and was protected under state law.
  26. The suggested changes vary from strengthening child pornography laws and encouraging states to confiscate the drivers' licenses of drunken motorists on the spot to requiring warning labels on containers of alcoholic beverages.
  27. One was for alcoholic drinks and the other for non-alcoholic drinks, including a variety of sodas and hot apple cider.
  28. Consumption of alcoholic beverages also has declined. Nearly 103 million Americans drank alcohol at least once a month this year, according to the government survey, down from 105.8 million in 1988 and 113.1 million in 1985.
  29. Prices rose for women's and men's clothing, household furniture, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages and prescription drugs.
  30. Yamnikov believes Soviets should be taught to drink in moderation through "social education." The high prices and limited availability of alcoholic beverages has driven many Soviet drinkers to illegal moonshining.
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