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 agglutinate [ә'glu:tineit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 粘着的, 胶合的

vt. 使...粘着

vi. 粘合, 成胶状

[化] 烧结; 胶结物; 胶结产物; 凝集

  1. The agglutinate substance occur because you leave the two chemicals under the heat too long.
  2. The agglutinate substance occur because you leave the two chemicals under the heat too long.
  3. The agglutinate substance occurred because you left the two chemicals under the heat too long.

[ verb ]
  1. string together (morphemes in an agglutinating language)

  2. <verb.contact>
  3. clump together; as of bacteria, red blood cells, etc.

  4. <verb.contact>
[ adj ]
  1. united as if by glue

  2. <adj.all>

Agglutinate \Ag*glu"ti*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Agglutinated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Agglutinating}.] [L.
agglutinatus, p. p. of agglutinare to glue or cement to a
thing; ad + glutinare to glue; gluten glue. See {Glue}.]
To unite, or cause to adhere, as with glue or other viscous
substance; to unite by causing an adhesion of substances.

Agglutinate \Ag*glu"ti*nate\, a.
1. United with glue or as with glue; cemented together.

2. (Physiol.) Consisting of root words combined but not
materially altered as to form or meaning; as, agglutinate
forms, languages, etc. See {Agglutination}, 2.

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