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 agglutination [ə`glutən'eʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 粘着, 胶合, 粘结团

[化] 烧结; 烧结作用; 凝集; 凝集作用

[医] 凝集; 愈合(创口)

  1. Waxes for High Grade Tile Dirt-proof: Excellent combining curing material and waxed synthesis, effectively seals off the residual pore after polish and agglutination of Smooth porcelain, normal temperature operation, convenien
  2. In order to resolve the dust agglutination of flash furnace's waste heat boiler( WHB), that is apparently after the3 rd stage modifications of Guixi Smelter, the new designed convection tube series with new hammer cleaners are
  3. The comb tenoning machine is newest automatically, manual MX3510\4010\4012\4014\4016 mainly uses in hitting, the short lumber splicing comb tenon, specially to produces the joiner board, the prop, the furniture and so on, it raises the lumber use factor,

[ noun ]
  1. a clumping of bacteria or red cells when held together by antibodies (agglutinins)

  2. <noun.process>
  3. the building of words from component morphemes that retain their form and meaning in the process of combining

  4. <noun.process>
  5. the coalescing of small particles that are suspended in solution; these larger masses are then (usually) precipitated

  6. <noun.process>

Agglutination \Ag*glu`ti*na"tion\, n. [Cf. F. agglutination.]
1. The act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance;
the state of being thus united; adhesion of parts.

2. (Physiol.) Combination in which root words are united with
little or no change of form or loss of meaning. See
{Agglutinative}, 2.

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