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 acerbic [ə'sə:bik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 酸的, 尖刻的

  1. Chou sent back an acerbic note accusing us of seeking to enmesh the People's Republic in the Vietnam problem.
  2. The Energy Vitalising Technology removes the acerbic taste from vinegar, making it easy to drink, so even people who don't like the taste of vinegar drinks will love Energy Vinegar.
    • 「光讯息活化技术」除醋中的酸涩呛味,好喝顺口,让不敢喝醋的人,爱上光讯息活醋。
  3. But it hadn't been mature to take on blooming and fruiting, doing that was a burden for it, so its fruits were too acerbic to eat and sometimes a group of children attacked it with stones.

[ adj ]
  1. sour or bitter in taste

  2. <adj.all>
  3. harsh or corrosive in tone

  4. <adj.all>
    an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
    a barrage of acid comments
    her acrid remarks make her many enemies
    bitter words
    blistering criticism
    caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
    a sulfurous denunciation
    a vitriolic critique

Acerbic \A*cerb"ic\, a.
Sour or severe.

  1. But it also found the speech "acerbic" at times and "self-serving." Last year the Soviet Union was the target of harsh criticism by Reagan in his General Assembly address.
  2. Mr. Sununu is also known as partisan and acerbic.
  3. Although Mr. Macdonald has won much support for his efforts at balancing the often-conflicting rights of shareholders and creditors during his tenure, his acerbic wit has worked against him at times.
  4. In a pretrial motion to bar references to the ACLU, Ms. Whicher cited Vice President George Bush's acerbic comments about Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis's ACLU membership.
  5. Mick Doyle, the former coach who writes an acerbic column in the Irish Independent, was scathing after defeat by Wales.
  6. He replaces the often acerbic Ed Koch and will surely bring a new style of leadership to Gracie Mansion.
  7. But she also has a nice acerbic edge too, especially when talking about the woman her husband left her for: "How is Bridget?
  8. Gerasimov said Reagan made some "acerbic remarks" and "self-serving" comments about the superiority of democracy over Soviet socialism and restrictions on human rights in the Soviet Union.
  9. He merely got out of bed on the same side every morning this last week. Another of his unorthodox claims to fame is his romance with Mary Matalin, the acerbic political director of the Bush team.
  10. Cavazos was a far less controversial secretary of education than Bennett, who warred with teacher unions and was an acerbic critic of America's universities.
  11. Even the more acerbic Mr. Nott was described on his appointment to the Ministry of Defense by a Tory colleague as "a nineteenth century liberal with a touch of rural sentimentality."
  12. Affable to most but acerbic to those he perceived a threat to the show, Marks tightly held the reigns in a sometimes bumpy road to the runway.
  13. On Tuesday night, CBS' "Coming of Age," starring Paul Dooley as an acerbic former airline pilot struggling to adjust to a sunny retirement village, was 59th out of 77 shows. "My Sister Sam" was 75th.
  14. Vecsey, whose gossipy, acerbic column was closely followed by fans of professional basketball, will begin a sports column at USA Today on Oct. 1.
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