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 Yugoslav   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ noun ]
    1. a native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people or languages

    2. <adj.pert>
      Yugoslavian wine

    Jugoslav \Jugoslav\ prop. n.
    A native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia. [Also spelled

    Syn: Yugoslav, Yugoslavian, Jugoslavian.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Her name was Miriana but they called her Esther, after Esther Williams, whose American swimsuit epics were not censored by the Yugoslav film commissars but probably should have been, judging from the subversive effect they had on our four young friends.
    2. "This also means that each of our peoples can decide to remain in the Yugoslav community or leave it," said Jovic, the head of Yugoslavia's eight-member state presidency.
    3. The government, he said, implemented UN sanctions immediately and local financial institutions were under strict instructions to freeze transfers of Yugoslav funds.
    4. Yugoslav police seized 41 ethnic Albanians suspected of trying to sever ties between Belgrade and the southern Kosovo province.
    5. No one knows how it will end in Kosovo, the former Yugoslav territory ruled by Serbia.
    6. The Yugoslav airline JAT plans regular showings of an AIDS prevention film on its planes, a spokesman said Friday.
    7. The complaint was filed with the Belgrade district attorney's office under a section of the Yugoslav criminal code that forbids "public humiliation" of foreign countries or their leaders.
    8. The European Commission was yesterday poised to take Greece to the European court over its blockade of the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia.
    9. Unfortunately, the Yugoslav side politely but firmly rejected this suggestion.
    10. 'After what has happened I doubt my course in Yugoslav studies still exists,' he says, referring to his stint at Bradford. For food, he receives meal tickets from airline staff or sympathetic passengers.
    11. With Yugoslav army troops still mobilized, a particularly bloody conflict is possible.
    12. When or whether Khomeini will have his own day in a Yugoslav court was not clear.
    13. In the end, the disagreement was papered over and an enlarged Yugoslav peace conference, in which the UN will play an important role, was the direct result. Significantly, Mr Boutros Ghali stuck to his guns.
    14. 'It was important under Tito (the former Yugoslav president), but what interests do we have in the region now that the cold war is over?' he added. He said that with the end of the cold war there was growing isolationism in the US.
    15. The Yugoslav parliament asked the Supreme Court Thursday to rule urgently on whether the amendments were allowed under the federal constitution.
    16. Stefan Korosec (Shte-FAN COUR-oh-shetz), Secretary of Yugoslav Communist Party.
    17. Here is a look at major developments in Eastern Europe: A Yugoslav traveler reports two people were killed during weekend demonstrations against hard-line President Nicolae Ceausescu, the largest anti-government demonstrations in two years.
    18. Yugoslavia's political, economic and social problems have mushroomed since the death in 1980 of President Josip Broz Tito, who founded the modern Yugoslav federation in 1943.
    19. The federal leadership meanwhile said Monday that a clash between Slovenia and Serbia, two of its constituent republics, seriously threatens Yugoslav unity.
    20. Backed by the Yugoslav army, Serbs, who comprised 13 per cent of the 4.7m population, took up arms against Croatian independence. Belgrade Radio said several French peacekeepers were wounded in the fighting at Zemunik airport.
    21. Yugoslav President Raif Dizdarevic said an army tribunal's probe of Janez Jansa and David Tasic will be completed soon, a newspaper in Ljubljana, the capital of the western republic, reported Saturday.
    22. 'The people are not divided,' he says to a friend with a Yugoslav air force MiG 21 tatooed on his forearm. 'Television Serbia is lying when it says that Serbs are in favour of the peace plan.
    23. Rahman Morina, Kosovo's interior minister, said Wednesday that "extraordinary circumstances have taken place which threaten public order," the official Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported.
    24. Soviet officials said Gorbachev was "very satisfied" with his first two days of talks with Yugoslav leaders and seeks ways of developing closer relations with the country Moscow once denounced for "revisionist" policies.
    25. The Albanians say the Serbs, who claim Kosovo as their medieval heartland, are persecuting them and denying them equal rights as Yugoslav citizens.
    26. This body of European mediators would have kept the lines of dialogue open between the Yugoslav republics and the central government, while developing new security mechanisms to prevent the continual outbreak of local or regional conflict.
    27. Officials here charge they were fabricated by the state-controlled media in Yugoslavia, which is at odds with Albania over the fate of millions of ethnic Albanians in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo.
    28. The unidentified Yugoslav national had been given an eight-hour permit to visit this town bordering Lake Geneva on Monday to do some shopping in preparation for his planned release April 12.
    29. Croatia's declaration of independence from the Yugoslav federation in June aroused the memories and passions of World War II, which, in turn, drive the war today.
    30. The Yugoslav line, if built, could become part of the planned European high-speed train network.
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