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 Yugoslavia ['jugo'slɑvɪə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 南斯拉夫

[经] 南斯拉夫

    [ noun ]
    1. a mountainous republic in southeastern Europe bordering on the Adriatic Sea; formed from two of the six republics that made up Yugoslavia until 1992; Serbia and Montenegro were known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia until 2003 when they adopted the name of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro

    2. <noun.location>
    3. a former country of southeastern Europe bordering the Adriatic Sea; formed in 1918 and named Yugoslavia in 1929; controlled by Marshal Tito as a communist state until his death in 1980

    4. <noun.location>
      Tito's Yugoslavia included Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro

    Yugoslavia \Yu*go"slav"i"a\, n.
    A mountainous republic in southeastern Europe [syn:
    [Yugoslavia],[Federal Republic of Yugoslavia], [Jugoslavija],
    [Serbia and Montenegro]]
    [WordNet 1.7]

    1. The demonstrators were protesting the introduction of compulsory bilingual education in secondary schools in the region, which belongs to Yugoslavia's southern republic of Macedonia.
    2. A debt-rescheduling accord between Poland and its foreign bank creditors, already held up over several points, may be further delayed because banks recently granted Yugoslavia more-favorable terms, banking sources said.
    3. And they say his grave belongs here in the country's capital because he was the only person ever to unite Yugoslavia's feuding ethnic groups.
    4. To the rest of Europe, the division of Yugoslavia can hardly make any strategic difference.
    5. "This also means that each of our peoples can decide to remain in the Yugoslav community or leave it," said Jovic, the head of Yugoslavia's eight-member state presidency.
    6. The northerners' parliaments have flouted federal laws and proposed transforming Yugoslavia into a loose conferedation with a common market.
    7. And until recently, perfumers have imported much of their oak moss and lavender from the former Yugoslavia and many of the resinous fragrances from Somalia.
    8. Yugoslavia's federal presidency charged that Slovenia was violating a day-old peace accord by failing to lift a blockade of army units, continuing to hold police prisoners and failing to deactivate territorial defense units.
    9. Yugoslavia, which has about 20 different ethnic groups, is a communist federation of six republics and two autonomous provinces formed after World War II.
    10. Much to the relief of Austrian stockbrokers, bankers and the business community, the ceasefire in neighbouring Yugoslavia is providing an incentive for foreign investors to return to the Vienna stock exchange.
    11. Slovenia, which neighbors Austria and Italy, is home to 2 million of Yugoslavia's 23 million people, but accounts for about 17 percent of the country's economic output and 30 percent of its exports.
    12. Some politicians maintain that Yugoslavia has already falle apart.
    13. The Portuguese presidency of the EC has been trying to find a formula to satisfy Greece. Meanwhile, the first infantry contingent of the UN peacekeeping force sent to Yugoslavia began deployment in war-torn areas of Croatia yesterday.
    14. The largest recipient of IFC loans is Yugoslavia, with almost $400 million in such aid.
    15. After running out of money in 1987, Yugoslavia has had to accept painful penance to stretch out its $19 billion debt while still holding out hope for economic growth.
    16. In Czechoslovakia, an international conference convened to discuss ways to end the clashes in Yugoslavia, and participants cautioned that outside forces alone can't end the fighting.
    17. Tudjman also announced leadership changes, including the ouster of Stipe Suvar, a longtime Communist who was the state's representative on Yugoslavia's eight-man presidency.
    18. Yugoslavia's two most liberal republics hold elections Sunday whose results could jeopardize the country's fragile federation.
    19. Instead of integrating into the new united Europe, Yugoslavia is sliding back into the continent's dark divided past, when Serbs and Croats fought their own nasty war within World War II.
    20. Danas said the clergy of the Orthodox Church and atheists probably "would not gladly see the pope in Yugoslavia, but the opposition does not come from these quarters alone.
    21. Yugoslavia's authorities are grappling with a 170 percent annual rate of inflation, unemployment of 15 percent, a $20 billion foreign debt and growing labor unrest.
    22. The Serbian leader's opponents suspect he is using the mass rallies to gain more national power for himself and for Serbia, the largest of Yugoslavia's six republics.
    23. That adds yet more tinder to the increasingly combustible mess that is the former Yugoslavia.
    24. Yugoslavia is nonaligned and in transition between Communism and democracy.
    25. Yugoslavia is currently reworking the Constitution and if the document is adopted in its current form at next week's congress, it is likely that the Constitutional reference to the party's leading role will be scrapped.
    26. Grace Bumbry of the United States will sing Aida, Bruno Sebastian of Italy will sing Radames and Ruza Baldani of Yugoslavia will sing Amneris.
    27. Belgrade radio reported that Janez Drnovsek, a Slovene who currently heads Yugoslavia's collective presidency, cut short his visit to the United Nations and was expected back in Slovenia today.
    28. Serbia has claimed the post should go to its candidate since the largest of Yugoslavia's six republics has not had a premier in 22 years.
    29. He'll do all right by you." The last two cars of a passenger train traveling at full speed derailed Sunday night in a station in eastern Yugoslavia, and 20 people were feared dead, the state news agency Tanjug said.
    30. News reports from Malta and Yugoslavia said 20 people were killed and that scores of people were injured.
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