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 Warwickshire   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. They lie in an old limestone quarry at Bishop's Itchington, Warwickshire (between Banbury and Warwick), where two fossilised plesiosaurs and an ichthyosaur were found in 1928.
    2. Tighter safety laws on coaches and minibuses were urged after the death toll in a school minibus crash on the M40 in Warwickshire rose to 12. A teacher and 10 pupils were killed instantly.
    3. They also relinquished control of Surrey, Hertfordshire, Lincolnshire and Warwickshire. Essex, which had entered election mythology as the centre for the Conservatives' victory in last year's general election, inflicted 22 losses on the party.
    4. Nor would property prices carry the premium they do. In Stratford, properties cost about 10 per cent more than in the rest of Warwickshire, says James Way of Knight Frank & Rutley's branch in the town.
    5. Yet the few titbits I picked up in Nuneaton and Warwickshire North yesterday do suggest two common-sense reasons why the Conservatives appear to be losing the election.
    6. Every surface quivered violently in response. Buckberry is a research engineer at Rover Group's Gaydon test centre in Warwickshire.
    7. UP TO 1,000 teachers in Warwickshire are staging a one-day strike today in protest at proposed teacher redundancies and cuts in the county's education budget.
    8. Charles was riding his pony, Echo, and playing for his team, Windsor Park, in the semifinal of the Warwickshire Cup against Hildon when he fell.
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