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 wary ['wєәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 谨慎的, 小心的, 机警的, 周到的, 唯恐的

    warier, wariest
    [ adj ]
    1. marked by keen caution and watchful prudence

    2. <adj.all>
      they were wary in their movements
      a wary glance at the black clouds
      taught to be wary of strangers
    3. openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

    4. <adj.all>

    Wary \Wa"ry\, a. [Compar. {Warier}; superl. {Wariest}.] [OE.
    war, AS. w[ae]r; akin to Icel. v?rr, Dan. & Sw. var, Goth.
    wars, G. gewahr aware, OHG. wara notice, attention, Gr. ? to
    see. Cf. {Aware}, {Garment}, {Garnish}, {Garrison},
    {Panorama}, {Ward}, v. t. {Ware}, a., {Warren}.]
    1. Cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding
    against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or
    suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous; careful.
    ``Bear a wary eye.'' --Shak.

    We should be wary, therefore, what persecution we
    raise against the living labors of public men.

    2. Characterized by caution; guarded; careful.

    It behoveth our words to be wary and few. --Hooker.

    Syn: Cautious; circumspect; watchful. See {Cautious}.

    Warye \War"ye\, v. t. [AS. wergian, wyrgean. Cf. {Worry}.]
    To curse; to curse; to execrate; to condemn; also, to vex.
    [Obs.] [Spelled also {warrie}, {warry}, and {wary}.] ``Whom I
    thus blame and warye.'' --Chaucer.

    1. But Solidarity is wary of sharing power with the communists and taking the fall for continuing economic and political problems, said Bugajski.
    2. Master-class teacher Ada Kopetz-Korf takes a wary look at the playback unit and the computer screen a few feet away before summoning Alex Wu to play the Saint-Saens Concerto No. 2 in G minor.
    3. For years, the Soviet government has been wary of the 159-member world body, but recently it has sought to strengthen it and develop a comprehensive U.N. security system, a vague concept opposed by the United States as unrealistic.
    4. U.S. officials, for example, have been extremely wary about establishing broad contacts with Mr. Yeltsin.
    5. But he did not telegraph to skeptical liberals or to newly wary conservatives just where he would stand on the questions awaiting the closely divided court - matters including abortion, civil rights and criminal justice.
    6. Though heartened by the offer, wary Solidarity activists said they suspected the government was seeking accord only to calm unrest caused by rising inflation and consumer shortages.
    7. Nicaraguans seem wary of the gold cordoba, which went into circulation on Monday, and with the old cordobas still circulating, confusion mingles with the uncertainty.
    8. Regulators may also be wary of allowing BankAmerica to undertake the difficult job of acquiring and consolidating two banks at once.
    9. We should be wary of excessive eagerness to embrace workfare and similar programs as a panacea.
    10. It also predicted a marked improvement in growth rates for eastern Europe, though the uncertainties of recent changes and those to come made it wary of exact projections.
    11. The Arts Council got an unexpected Pounds 5.1m increase, and there will be less talk of arts companies closing. Dorrell is different from past arts and heritage ministers in being wary of going native.
    12. Many Arabs, although troubled by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, also are wary about what they perceive as massive U.S. interference in the region.
    13. He was a leading congressional opponent of a nuclear freeze proposal and has been wary of arms control agreements.
    14. Mr. Scharp said Electrolux remains wary about the outlook for appliance markets next year.
    15. Bearish sentiment continues to pervade the market, traders said, but many participants were wary of taking short, or oversold, positions because of the market's lack of depth.
    16. Apart from China he has established a presence in central Asia and in the Russian Federation, although experience has taught him to be wary of those markets.
    17. Some advocates for the elderly have expressed concern that Congress will be wary of tackling the long-term care problem after getting swamped with complaints about the catastrophic care plan.
    18. But investors will be wary of ploughing more money into institutions which have already cost them a great deal and where dividend prospects are uncertain.
    19. Lawmakers, however, have been wary about tying up the Senate floor for six weeks or more.
    20. Aaron reveals himself to be a wary and sensitive man whose happiness in his sport fell as his celebrity grew.
    21. In the awful-and-scarce range, buyers can't be all that wary.
    22. That's the kind of thing that makes diplomats wary of unstructured meetings between their bosses.
    23. A dealer at Nomura Securities Co. said there was no major news affecting trading, but investors apparently were wary after gains in the index over the last five trading days.
    24. Agents elsewhere in Sweden also point to an improvement in sentiment, although most speak of a patchy recovery and are wary of pronouncing the recession over just yet. What goes for Sweden goes, in general terms, for the rest of the Nordic region.
    25. Despite word from the National Weather Service that Hurricane Gustav and Tropical Storm Hortense will skip the East Coast, coastal residents are wary.
    26. This, in turn, contributed to a slump in the West German bond market and left currency markets wary.
    27. Then, after a while, after thinking things over, he backs out." At least two details in Prestosa's recorded account did not jibe with fact, another reason investigators are wary.
    28. The arrest of senior stock exchange officials seems certain to make foreign investors even more wary of the market, at least in the short run.
    29. The Common Market, overflowing with wine and wary of new competition, requires that all bottles from England bear the label "table wine."
    30. Celebrities once were wary of product endorsements, and the hottest ones often steered clear of them entirely.
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