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 Wagnerian [vɑ:g'niəriən]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. a follower of the theories or an admirer of the music of Richard Wagner

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to Richard Wagner or his music

    2. <adj.pert>

    Wagnerian \Wag*ne"ri*an\, a.
    Of, pertaining to, or resembling the style of, Richard
    Wagner, the German musical composer.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. However ambitious she was, stretching up to Beethoven's soprano Leonore, embracing Wagnerian heroines, the voice never suggested she had gone too far. Farewells have already been said in Salzburg, New York and Paris.
    2. Poul Elming's Siegmund was in splendid voice, partnered now by his Danish compatriot Tina Kiberg - who lends the production a welcome ray of femininity, even if she lacks a Wagnerian voice.
    3. More than 5,000 red and white lanterns were distributed, to be carried along streets festooned with flags and posters of Mr Hata. Bands played Sousa marches to compete with loud-speaker systems broadcasting Wagnerian fanfares.
    4. The concert is to honor the Swedish Wagnerian soprano and the Swedish vocal tradition in America which began with Jenny Lind.
    5. Richard Cassilly sounded Wagnerian as Herod, keeping a full voice centered to punch it authoritatively through the large orchestra. Helga Dernesch was glamorous as Salome's mother, Herodias.
    6. Stepping in with an hour's rehearsal for the indisposed Nadine Secunde, the renowned Wagnerian gave a dreamy performance.
    7. As Wagnerian debuts go, Robert Carsen has done rather well.
    8. Performers of these mightiest of Wagnerian roles capable of surmounting the peaks and staying the whole course were always in short supply, even when, unlike today, the finest traditions of Wagner-singing were as a whole amply nourished and sustained.
    9. A sound that can bring a Wagnerian orchestra to its knees brings no charm to this filigreed, radiant music.
    10. Hitler befriended Winifred Wagner, Gottfried's grandmother and a driving force at the Bayreuth Festival of Wagnerian music during the Third Reich.
    11. Thin indeed are the ranks of Wagnerian sopranos these days, strong ladies who must bellow for hours over an orchestra of great size and volume.
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