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 wagon ['wægәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 四轮马车, 货车

[法] 囚车, 马车, 运货车

    [ noun ]
    1. any of various kinds of wheeled vehicles drawn by an animal or a tractor

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. van used by police to transport prisoners

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. a group of seven bright stars in the constellation Ursa Major

    6. <noun.object>
    7. a child's four-wheeled toy cart sometimes used for coasting

    8. <noun.artifact>
    9. a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat

    10. <noun.artifact>

    Wagon \Wag"on\, n. [D. wagen. [root]136. See {Wain}.]
    1. A wheeled carriage; a vehicle on four wheels, and usually
    drawn by horses; especially, one used for carrying freight
    or merchandise.

    Note: In the United States, light wagons are used for the
    conveyance of persons and light commodities.

    2. A freight car on a railway. [Eng.]

    3. A chariot [Obs.] --Spenser.

    4. (Astron.) The Dipper, or Charles's Wain.

    Note: This word and its compounds are often written with two
    g's (waggon, waggonage, etc.), chiefly in England. The
    forms wagon, wagonage, etc., are, however,
    etymologically preferable, and in the United States are
    almost universally used.

    {Wagon boiler}. See the Note under {Boiler}, 3.

    {Wagon ceiling} (Arch.), a semicircular, or wagon-headed,
    arch or ceiling; -- sometimes used also of a ceiling whose
    section is polygonal instead of semicircular.

    {Wagon master}, an officer or person in charge of one or more
    wagons, especially of those used for transporting freight,
    as the supplies of an army, and the like.

    {Wagon shoe}, a skid, or shoe, for retarding the motion of a
    wagon wheel; a drag.

    {Wagon vault}. (Arch.) See under 1st {Vault}.

    Wagon \Wag"on\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wagoned}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To transport in a wagon or wagons; as, goods are wagoned from
    city to city.

    Wagon \Wag"on\, v. i.
    To wagon goods as a business; as, the man wagons between
    Philadelphia and its suburbs.

    1. "We may hand out tickets, or we may bring a paddy wagon up there and haul them away," Norbert Boe, acting forest supervisor of the Shawnee National Forest, said Sunday.
    2. But the 6- and 7-year-old brothers, stumped by the Honda station wagon's standard transmission, drove into a wall.
    3. The deputies, armed with a search warrant, raided the house after they saw a man moving packages they believed contained cocaine into the station wagon, he said.
    4. A domestic airliner hit a station wagon and crashed while trying to land in southeastern Brazil Monday, killing a woman and her son, an airline spokesman said.
    5. Morris said he expected some Cherokees to join the wagon train as it moved further westward.
    6. Mrs. Jaber was shot twice in the head as the station wagon she rode past the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba at about 2 a.m., police officials said, refusing to elaborate.
    7. "The station wagon market is just about dead" due to the popularity of minivans, says William Hoglund, a GM executive.
    8. The main franchise salesman was Mr. Johnson's brother-in-law, driving in a former farm station wagon and handicapped by the vehicle's pervasive manure odor on sultry days.
    9. The Civic line, Honda's lowest-priced car line, offers sedan, hatchback and wagon models.
    10. "We're not just servicing debt and letting everything else fall off the wagon," says Mr. Stegemeier.
    11. In October 1990, the New York-based unit of the Swedish auto maker AB Volvo began running TV commercials showing a Volvo station wagon withstanding the weight of a large truck on its roof; in fact, the roof had been secretly reinforced for the test.
    12. But he made the most of free enterprise, fixing sandwiches in the back of his station wagon and hustling them for $4 to the media from a folding table under a tree.
    13. U.S. food companies, struggling to jump on the gourmet-food wagon, are renewing their efforts to cook up fancy chilled fare.
    14. I'm going to take my wagon across the country.
    15. A thief drove off with a station wagon before he realized that the 10-year-old blind boy in the front seat was not a teddy bear, police said.
    16. The burnings began in May, when Mayor Truman Scarborough's 1985 Dodge Aries station wagon was set on fire and destroyed.
    17. The price of the Mitsubishi station wagon rose 2.5%, or $341, the company said, and the price of the Montero utility vehicle rose 2%, or $205.
    18. Hundreds of cars, trucks, mobile homes and even buses lined U.S. 87 north of Billings on Friday afternoon as spectators again swarmed to watch the arrival of the wagon train and, a couple of miles farther out, the cattle herd.
    19. The settlers demolished the cars of Arabs and shot at the windows of homes." An AP reporter saw seven vandalized cars, including a station wagon with all its windows smashed and another gutted by fire.
    20. John Friedrich was caught outside a gasoline station near Perth, the capital of Western Australia state, after driving 1,850 miles across the continent in a used station wagon purchased for $11,750 in cash.
    21. Lumina will replace all Celebrity models except the station wagon by the 1990 model year. The 1990 model of a Lumina sedan will be introduced next spring.
    22. Mrs. Bush was always a full-time mother, ferrying the children to Little League games and myriad other activities, packing them into the station wagon to drive to Kennebunkport each summer, and meting out most of the discipline.
    23. Hundreds of friends and relatives attended a memorial service Saturday for four children who drowned when the family station wagon plunged into a river, but the youngsters' mother was in seclusion and their father in jail charged with their murders.
    24. "We have fewer and fewer people pulling the wagon and more and more people riding the wagon," he said in a recent debate.
    25. "We have fewer and fewer people pulling the wagon and more and more people riding the wagon," he said in a recent debate.
    26. The Legacy wagon has a nifty two-cup holder that pulls out of the dash below the ventilation controls.
    27. A group supportive of the National Party will take its wagon trains one way, and a second group in tune with the Conservative Party will set off in another.
    28. Officials of the non-profit Latigo Corp., established to organize the drive, estimate the cost at anywhere from $400,000 to $1 million, depending on variables such as the fees for country-western talent who will entertain at the wagon train each night.
    29. Dougherty tried to avoid a cement truck that had been hit by a station wagon.
    30. Pfeiffer said there was no formal recall of the station wagon, and he didn't know of any similar cases involving that particular model.
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