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 Sumo ['su:məu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Jap.) 相扑

    [ noun ]
    a Japanese form of wrestling; you lose if you are forced out of a small ring or if any part of your body (other than your feet) touches the ground

    1. It said the food was mostly for Miskito, Sumo and Rama Indian communities on the Atlantic Coast.
    2. Tens of thousands of Miskito, Rama and Sumo Indians left their tribal homelands beginning in 1981 after the leftist Sandinista government tried to impose Marxism in the area and said it would move them to relocation camps.
    3. The battle began in December, when Chief Cabinet Secretary Mayumi Moriyama informed the Japan Sumo Association that she intended to present the Prime Minister's Cup to the winner of the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament from inside the ring.
    4. The battle began in December, when Chief Cabinet Secretary Mayumi Moriyama informed the Japan Sumo Association that she intended to present the Prime Minister's Cup to the winner of the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament from inside the ring.
    5. The Miskito leader, head of the most populous tribe of Nicaraguan Indians, now heads the YATAMA organization that groups Miskito, Sumo and Rama Indians and three groups of blacks of West Indian descent living on the Caribbean coast.
    6. Thousands of Miskito, Rama and Sumo Indians began leaving their tribal homelands along Nicaragua's Atlantic coast in 1981 after the government tried to move them into relocation camps.
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