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 sumptuous ['sʌmptʃʊəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 奢侈的, 华丽的

    [ adj ]
    rich and superior in quality
    a princely sumgilded dining rooms

    Sumptuous \Sump"tu*ous\, a. [L. sumptuosus, fr. sumptus expanse,
    cost: cf. F. somptueux. See {Sumptuary}.]
    Involving large outlay or expense; costly; expensive; hence,
    luxurious; splendid; magnificient; as, a sumptuous house or
    table; sumptuous apparel.

    We are too magnificient and sumptuous in our tables and
    attendance. --Atterbury.

    She spoke, and turned her sumptuous head, with eyes
    Of shining expectation fixed on mine. --Tennyson.
    -- {Sump"tu*ous*ly}, adv. --
    {Sump"tu*ous*ness}, n.

    1. In a country where not everybody can get a telephone, a sumptuous, illegally built luxury hideaway for top army brass had phones in the sauna and on docks within arm's reach of fishing generals.
    2. The refugee, a former world-class chef, later repays their kindness by devoting her winnings from a lottery to creation of a sumptuous feast.
    3. On Thursday evening he attended a sumptuous banquet hosted by the Lord Mayor to mark this year's tercentenary of the Bank.
    4. The Cabinet eats with everybody else, and both meals are sumptuous affairs usually involving two whole sheep.
    5. The whole hotel has been restored over the past few years, from the sumptuous marble lobby with its forests of flowers festooned on Louis XVI tables, to Jacques-Ange Gabriel's 18th century facade. The Crillon is still a very French establishment.
    6. Ball gowns were sumptuous as always, whether slim and with plunging decolletes or strapless with full taffeta skirts, some with an iridescent effect.
    7. At least that's what the interior designers who specialize in sumptuous spas say.
    8. No. 18 is the most sumptuous.
    9. Typical of the haute couture were sophisticated draped and split-skirt models in sumptuous light fabrics at Balmain by designer Erik Mortensen.
    10. This sumptuous modern-dress TV production, is a fine piece of work, beautifully adapted to the strengths and limitations of television.
    11. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip hosted the NATO leaders at a sumptuous dinner of poached sole with truffles, duck garnished with peaches and cherries, and raspberry ice cream in the crimson Throne Room of Buckingham Palace.
    12. Heyn, vice chairman of the Ahold grocery concern, was kidnapped on Sept. 9 near his sumptuous villa in Bloemendaal, 20 miles west of The Hague.
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