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 Suma 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Suma)人名;(意、塞拉)苏马;(德、罗)祖马

  1. You can run SUMA policies without extensive configuration.
    您可以运行 SUMA 策略,而无需进行大量的配置。
  2. We also present some new situations and illustrate how you can use SUMA to handle them.
    我们还将展示一些新的情况,并说明如何使用 SUMA 来处理它们。
  3. SUMA provides the option to send an e-mail notification containing a list of what's available for download, as well as detailed summary statistics of a download.
    SUMA 提供了发送包含可用下载列表的电子邮件通知的选项,以及下载项的详细摘要统计信息。

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