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 Sumatra [su'mɑ:trə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 苏门答腊

    [ noun ]
    a mountainous island in western Indonesia

    1. Other regional Indonesian markets such as Sumatra are being looked at. Elsewhere, a BHP building products factory is due to open before the end of this year in Sri Lanka.
    2. Full foreign ownership is now allowed for companies investing more than Dollars 50m in projects in the highly-populated provinces of Java and Sumatra, while those with lower investment must be based in the more remote provinces.
    3. In February this year an earthquake shook the Indonesian province of Lampung in Sumatra, killing nearly 200 people. Some Indonesian geologists argue that building a nuclear power station next to an inactive volcano is gambling with luck.
    4. Most of the elephants enrolled in the school come from the thick tropical jungles here on the island of Sumatra.
    5. A few weeks ago, Maxus laconically announced a second find on its Southeast Sumatra property in Indonesia, in which it has a 56% interest.
    6. In Asia, where it is part of the five-channel Star TV, it can be seen from Taiwan to Turkey and from Siberia to Sumatra. Mr Christopher Irwin, chief executive of WSTV, says: 'A vast increase is taking place in India.
    7. We were entering a labyrinth of steep hills and ridges obscured by the primary rainforest that covers the centre of Siberut Island, off Sumatra, in Indonesia.
    8. Three days of rain fed floods that washed away bridges and homes on the western island of Sumatra, killing 12 people and leaving 21 others missing, officials and news reports said Monday.
    9. Now investments made during the oil boom are paying off: Indonesian researchers have adapted high-yielding rice varieties to the climates of Java and Sumatra, Mr. Timmer says.
    10. Other officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the foreign government is believed to be Indonesia and the treasure is lying off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra in the Straits of Malacca.
    11. Appointed mascot was Wira the orangutan, representing an endangered species of ape found only in Borneo and Sumatra. Independence Day, Aug. 31, is the anchor for 84 major events, 14 festivals and nine exhibitions.
    12. For months, Japan and Indonesia have been feuding over Jakarta's attempt to get a bigger share of the aluminum produced at a jointly owned smelter in Sumatra.
    13. Maxus Southwest Sumatra is the operator, with a 56% interest.
    14. In Jakarta, Wilson Sinambela of the National Institute of Aeronautics said a total eclipse was observed in several parts of the country, including by about 1,000 tourists in the South Sumatra capital Palembang.
    15. Ms. Jones said she discussed human rights at a meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Ali Alatas at the United Nations this fall, and later visited Sumatra privately.
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