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 scarcity ['skɑ:siti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 缺乏, 不足, 缺少

[经] 缺乏, 不足

    [ noun ]
    a small and inadequate amount

    Scarceness \Scarce"ness\, Scarcity \Scar"ci*ty\, n.
    The quality or condition of being scarce; smallness of
    quantity in proportion to the wants or demands; deficiency;
    lack of plenty; short supply; penury; as, a scarcity of
    grain; a great scarcity of beauties. --Chaucer.

    A scarcity of snow would raise a mutiny at Naples.

    Praise . . . owes its value to its scarcity. --Rambler.

    The value of an advantage is enhanced by its
    scarceness. --Collier.

    Syn: Deficiency; lack; want; penury; dearth; rareness;
    rarity; infrequency.

    1. Brazil already had some environmental-protection laws in place, but because of the country's vast size, deteriorating economic situation and scarcity of real enforcement power, the laws were largely ignored.
    2. In all the discussion of pay "inequities," the author overlooks issues of job security, unpleasant work, regional or local cost-of-living differences as well as the relative scarcity or abundance of workers in specific occupations.
    3. Some say it raises the threat of a consumer-induced recession. Others worry about the possibility of a "credit crunch," in which constraints on lending create a scarcity of money for investment in business, housing and big-ticket consumer purchases.
    4. Not only did scarcity never come, but consumption fell sharply in industrialized countries.
    5. If this trick works, it would relieve worries of advocates that large-scale use of cold fusion might be limited by the scarcity and expense of palladium.
    6. Theft at construction sites in China is common because of the scarcity of steel, wire and other building materials.
    7. A scarcity of local financing is "a shortcoming," but not insurmountable, he says.
    8. I have to be responsible for my life and the future.' How has this sense of responsibility changed you? 'In some ways I often deplore the loss of Knappheit (scarcity, or shortages).
    9. One is the scarcity and expense of chimps.
    10. She grinned: "I just hope the results don't show that the only thing I'm qualified for is to be a jockey." Anti-union laws, Japanese work techniques and a scarcity of jobs have begun to transform Britain's once-militant labor unions.
    11. Besides learning math by counting the cans and science by weighing them, Ms. Via's 25 students talked about the scarcity of natural resources and why it is cheaper to recycle aluminum than to mine the ore used to make the metal.
    12. Despite favorable long-term trends showing growth in production, the world always seems to be facing a crisis either of scarcity or of plenty.
    13. With labor scarcity wages will rise, especially for entry-level workers, regardless of minimum-wage legislation.
    14. That would ease the equally traditional communist scarcity of food and other basic products.
    15. Also noteworthy is the relative scarcity (and rather low quality) of paintings and sculptures and the prevalence of video screens.
    16. Earlier, he had hoped to develop the plan for China and India, but scarcity of U.S. products there delayed him.
    17. Now, should the drought of '88 be followed by a drought of '89, a more likely problem could well be global scarcity.
    18. Rampant job bias against older Europeans is just starting to decline, thanks to a scarcity of young people and the spread of U.S.-style advocacy groups.
    19. The current scarcity of traded NTT shares, however, is making life difficult for both Japanese and foreign fund managers.
    20. He has kept a small space in the town but his main stock of decorative paintings is on show at his new home, a manor house on the outskirts of Broadway. Like all dealers, Noot says the main problem at the moment is a scarcity of good objects to buy.
    21. Because of the scarcity of safe, available and legal sites, and the growing complexity of hazardous-waste management, the business is lucrative.
    22. Much of Sudan faces food scarcity at the time." Page said he would not call it famine but "serious food shortage." Sudan's military leader, Lt.
    23. Today we see a world of plenty where market forces operate better than ever before, and a world of planned scarcity, worse than ever before, where politically imposed economic policies dominate.
    24. The scarcity of land is one basic factor behind the high prices.
    25. The second, equally basic, change in medical ethics is caused by "fiscal scarcity."
    26. Another reason for the increased sales is the relative scarcity of good used machines.
    27. In his parting letter, he also drew attention to the scarcity of economic expertise in the Treasury. The most important step - yet to come - is the curtailment of the Treasury's right to use the Bank of Italy to fund the budget deficit.
    28. The scarcity of biographical details is somewhat compensated for by Mr. Howard's clear and careful delineation of what life was like for a 14th-century courtier.
    29. Coniston said Friday it was disbanding the $700 million investment pool it used to fund its takeover bids and proxy fights because of the scarcity of financing and suitable target companies. Most of the money will be returned to Coniston's investors.
    30. "There's huge scarcity value for anything that allows for direct investment in South Korea," he said.
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