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 Rosetta   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Twenty years later Jean-Francois Champollion, the world's first Egyptologist, solved the puzzle of ancient heiroglyphic writing through texts from the Rosetta Stone, a basalt tablet now housed in the British Museum in London.
    2. But as a barefoot anthropologist I relish their arrival as if I were an archaeologist who found 10 Rosetta Stones a day, and on my own doorstep, to boot.
    3. Superintendent Rosetta Burke said the military basis of the shock program teaches the inmates responsibility, discipline and respect, traits most had "very little grounding" in before.
    4. This is the home of the Elliott wave principle, an arcane system of technical analysis that thousands of investors have come to believe is the Rosetta stone of the stock market.
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