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 rosette [rәu'zet]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 蔷薇结, 蔷薇花饰, 装饰圆窗

[医] 玫瑰花形, 丝球, 染色质纽

    [ noun ]
    1. an ornament or pattern resembling a rose that is worn as a badge of office or as recognition of having won an honor

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. rhizoctinia disease of potatoes

    4. <noun.state>
    5. a cluster of leaves growing in crowded circles from a common center or crown (usually at or close to the ground)

    6. <noun.plant>
    7. circular window filled with tracery

    8. <noun.artifact>

    Rosette \Ro*sette\, n. [F., dim. of rose a rose. Cf. {Roset}.]
    1. An imitation of a rose by means of ribbon or other
    material, -- used as an ornament or a badge.

    2. (Arch.) An ornament in the form of a rose or roundel,
    -much used in decoration.

    3. A red color. See {Roset}.

    4. A rose burner. See under {Rose}.

    5. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) Any structure having a flowerlike form; especially,
    the group of five broad ambulacra on the upper side of
    the spatangoid and clypeastroid sea urchins. See
    Illust. of {Spicule}, and {Sand dollar}, under {Sand}.
    (b) A flowerlike color marking; as, the rosettes on the

    1. Frank Flannery, chief executive of the Irish Rehabilitation Institute, said the rosette was made in one of its centers in Ireland.
    2. Peck in Milan, with one Michelin rosette, typifies the look. But regional allegiances are still sufficiently strong for many businessmen to opt for tradition and choose a restaurant specialising in dishes from their local area.
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