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 Plants 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. All plants need water and light.
  2. Most plants propagate by seed.

  1. Plants don't care how old you are.
  2. Affiliated Publications Inc. said its Billboard Publications unit has agreed to buy the assets of Plants, Sites & Parks magazine under terms that weren't disclosed.
  3. Gardeners contemplating topiary should start by pruning the plant roughly into shape, according to the BBG's handbook, "Trained and Sculptured Plants."
  4. Plants in containers also fill most nooks and crannies and an enclosing, 6-foot wall supports climbers.
  5. Plants meeting those goals would receive "enhanced" job security in the second and third years of the contract.
  6. Sales and marketing were unknown since their entire output was handed over to the state, which dealt with any exports. Plants typically ordered stock requirements for the year ahead.
  7. Plants at Mannheim and Rochlitz are to close. The moves are aimed at curbing losses expected to total about DM300m (Dollars 199m) this year at the operating level.
  8. Plants previously had no percentage guidelines.
  9. Profits are up, wages are down. Plants are closing.
  10. Plants, on the other hand, can carry out such simple carbon chemistry using only the energy from sunlight.
  11. In another development, Weyerhaeuser announced Monday that it wil sell its Specialty Plants Division, another move in its plan to concentrate on the forest products business.
  12. Scientists are patterning the system after Earth: Plants take nutrition from manure and other waste products and produce food. Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide; plants use the carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
  13. Plants are closed, mines are closed _ and workers are abandoned," Jackson said.
  14. Plants that process red meat will be the first to test government guidelines aimed at reducing repetitive motion trauma in the workplace, Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole said.
  15. The price of the new dictionary is Pounds 495. An encyclopaedia of very different character is Blooms of Bressingham Garden Plants, sub-titled Choosing the Best Hardy Plants for your Garden.
  16. The price of the new dictionary is Pounds 495. An encyclopaedia of very different character is Blooms of Bressingham Garden Plants, sub-titled Choosing the Best Hardy Plants for your Garden.
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