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 Planulae ['plænjulə-,li:添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 实囊幼虫;浮浪幼体

    Planula \Plan"u*la\, n.; pl. {Planul[ae]}. [L., a little plane.]
    1. (Biol.) In embryonic development, a vesicle filled with
    fluid, formed from the morula by the divergence of its
    cells in such a manner as to give rise to a central space,
    around which the cells arrange themselves as an envelope;
    an embryonic form intermediate between the morula and
    gastrula. Sometimes used as synonymous with {gastrula}.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) The very young, free-swimming larva of the
    c[oe]lenterates. It usually has a flattened oval or oblong
    form, and is entirely covered with cilia.

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