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 Peshawar   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    city in northern Pakistan at the eastern end of the Khyber Pass

    1. Tension rose in early August after the assassination by unidentified gunmen of Pakistani Shiite leader Arif Hussain al-Hussaini in the northwest frontier city of Peshawar.
    2. Voluntary refugee workers from Peshawar to Bangkok to Hong Kong complain that UNHCR field offices are worried more about offending governments than speaking up for refugees.
    3. In Peshawar, Pakistan, on Wednesday, a bomb exploded and tore a two-foot hole in the roof of a British Council library.
    4. Louis Dupree, an Afghan-affairs specialist now working in the Pakistani frontier city of Peshawar, says he went to a recent conference in Australia where a Soviet diplomat claimed his country was decommissioning mines.
    5. Afghan resistance leaders, headquartered in Peshawar, Pakistan, last week proposed an interim government virtually excluding Najib's party.
    6. In the Pakistan border town of Peshawar, mujahideen politicians talk with elation of the Soviets leaving Afghanistan.
    7. In Peshawar, Pakistan, near the Afghan border, six people were injured when a bomb went off in a crowded marketplace near a garment shop, said a police spokesman.
    8. An Afghan pilot landed his Soviet-made ground attack fighter in Peshawar, Pakistan, and sought asylum Thursday, Pakistani officials said.
    9. Taxila, an important archaeological site dating back at least to the 6th century BC, is also close by. If you want a taste of the north-west frontier, go to Peshawar, a bustling city where just about anything is traded.
    10. Among the dead were an Afghan woman and her 3-year-old child who had come to Peshawar for medical treatment, according to Omar Amer, a Pakistani journalist.
    11. The soldiers will be reunited with their mothers in the Pakistani frontier city of Peshawar after more than three years of captivity, said Vladimir Ivanov, a Soviet Embassy spokesman in Islamabad.
    12. In the frontier city of Peshawar, U.N. refugee commissioner Sadaruddin Agha Khan held talks with rebel leaders and refugees.
    13. Sibghatullah Mojaddidi, new leader of the Peshawar alliance, told a news conference in the border city Tuesday he would meet with Vorontsov this week.
    14. Populist leader Benazir Bhutto drew about 20,000 people to her final rally in the northwest frontier city of Peshawar today as parties ended campaigns for Pakistan's Nov. 16 national elections.
    15. The government was formed in exile in Peshawar, Pakistan, as the Soviets withdrew the last of their 115,000 troops from Afghanistan last February.
    16. About two months ago another Afghan government pilot flew his SU-22 ground-attack fighter to Peshawar and defected to the rebels.
    17. Guerrilla leaders have rejected any power-sharing with the current Kabul officials and today's statement from Peshawar backed up that position.
    18. Mr. Masty is editor of the Humanitarian News Service, based in Peshawar.
    19. Three accords between the nine warring mujihadeen factions - Peshawar 1992, Islamabad 1993 and Jalalabad also 1993 - have failed to end the civil war. While Soviet troops were in Afghanistan, the fighting was mostly in the mountains and the villages.
    20. He demanded Pakistan stop providing shelter for the guerrillas. The seven mujahedeen parties based in Pakistan openly maintain offices in Peshawar, 20 miles from the Afghan border.
    21. In the Pakistani frontier city of Peshawar, Jamiat spokesman Mohammed Schweib said five guerrillas were killed in the fighting.
    22. She overwhelmingly won re-election in Larkana in southern Sind Province but suffered a humiliating defeat in the northern city of Peshawar, losing by nearly 12,000 votes.
    23. In a statement from Peshawar as the Taif talks started, the guerrillas demanded immediate withdrawal of Soviet troops, payment of war reparations, the removal of mines and maps of mined areas now under Soviet control.
    24. Witnesses, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said some of the seriously wounded were transferred to the provincial capital of Peshawar about 12 miles to the northwest..
    25. The Peshawar headquarters of the seven-party Mujahedeen alliance said Barikot, in Afghanistan's northeast Kunar province, fell Friday.
    26. It is believed to be linked to Hezb-i-Islami, or Party of God, the most anti-West of the seven Afghan resistance parties based in Peshawar.
    27. A slight, bearded man from Peshawar, Hussein said he had five brothers and four sisters.
    28. "Something is going on; that's for sure," said Naim Majrooh, an independent Afghan observer in Peshawar, Pakistan. "Both sides are involved.
    29. No one claimed responsibility for the bombing at Shub Qadir, 18 miles north of Peshawar.
    30. The U.S.-backed rebels, the most powerful of which are based in the Pakistani frontier city of Peshawar, are fighting to topple the Soviet-backed Kabul regime and establish an Islamic republic of Afghanistan.
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