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 pesky ['peski]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 麻烦的, 恼人的, 棘手的, 讨厌的

    peskier, peskiest
    [ adj ]
    causing irritation or annoyance
    tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his forkaircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport
    found it galling to have to ask permission
    an irritating delay
    nettlesome paperwork
    a pesky mosquito
    swarms of pestering gnats
    a plaguey newfangled safety catch
    a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him
    a vexatious child
    it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong

    Pesky \Pes"ky\, a. [Etymol. uncertain.]
    Pestering; vexatious; troublesome. Used also as an intensive.
    [Colloq. & Low, U.S.] --Judd.

    1. Officials are frantically searching for a way to prevent infestation of the Great Lakes by the pesky mussels, with their zebra-like stripes.
    2. May 15 The Morning News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash., on Soviet defense motives: Imagine that U.S. defense policies were decided the way Soviet policies are: without public debate, congressional oversight or pesky critics.
    3. He has worked with Air Vent Inc. of Peoria Heights to develop the repellents and a deadly new bait that someday might provide owners of infested homes and businesses a lethal one-two punch for controlling the pesky insect.
    4. It won't spoil the story to tell you that the pesky brother-in-law ultimately winds up in bed with one of Stern's girlfriends, because the story is so nutty you'll never remember any of this anyway.
    5. Darn those pesky news people.
    6. Many blame chicken and horse ranches for attracting the pesky insects, which make their comeback as spring temperatures rise.
    7. A beefed-up firefighting force worked through Monday night and nearly contained the pesky Rock Creek fire in southwestern Montana. Forest officials there also looked forward to a cooling trend and possible rains today.
    8. A security guard rescued a giant toad from a downtown street and splinted its broken leg with a paint stirrer, but one wildlife expert suggested the pesky four-pound amphibian would be better dead than fed.
    9. That could well happen if there is another big insurance-company seizure or a pesky series of downgrades by financial ratings agencies.
    10. But Newell's aggressive acquisition posture has been more substantial than pesky in some past excursions.
    11. An exterminator told McDowell County officials a padlocked room in the basement of their courthouse could be harboring termites, and when they opened the door last week they found more than just the pesky insects.
    12. The people who can afford to splurge on ostentation aren't supposed to be affected by the pesky fluctuations of the economy.
    13. In Montana, about 1,900 firefighters encircled about 80 percent of the pesky 35,200-acre Warm Springs fire in the Elkhorn Mountains about 10 miles southeast of Helena, said Bob Krepps of the Department of State Lands.
    14. The actress blamed pesky paparazzi and the frustration of living in the spotlight for the flare-up.
    15. In addition, Wheeling, like others in the embattled industry, faces pricing pressure, pesky imports and sagging demand.
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