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 Oneida   添加此单词到默认生词本
(pl. Oneida, Oneidas)奥奈达人(美国纽约州、威斯康星州的印第安人)

    [ noun ]
    1. a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living east of Lake Ontario

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the Iroquoian language spoken by the Oneida

    4. <noun.communication>

    Oneidas \O*nei"das\, prop. n. pl.; sing. {Oneida}. (Ethnol.)
    A tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting the region near Oneida
    Lake in the State of New York, and forming part of the Five
    Nations. Remnants of the tribe now live in New York, Canada,
    and Wisconsin.

    1. Vilas and Oneida counties have been the scene of angry confrontations between non-Indians and Chippewa spearfishermen during tribal fishing seasons of recent years.
    2. The move rewards shareholders and should improve the stock's liquidity, Oneida said.
    3. The lawsuits were brought in 1978 by the Oneida Indian Nation of New York, the Oneida Indian Nation of Wisconsin and the Oneida of the Thames Band, of Ontario, Canada.
    4. The lawsuits were brought in 1978 by the Oneida Indian Nation of New York, the Oneida Indian Nation of Wisconsin and the Oneida of the Thames Band, of Ontario, Canada.
    5. The lawsuits were brought in 1978 by the Oneida Indian Nation of New York, the Oneida Indian Nation of Wisconsin and the Oneida of the Thames Band, of Ontario, Canada.
    6. Jacobs was arrested Tuesday near Oneida, N.Y., after state police tried to stop him for speeding and he crashed his car into the back of an empty school bus, authorities said.
    7. If turnout is low, I believe I will not do as well and will be beaten." The polls opened at 8 a.m. and Oneida County Clerk Dick MacDonald said today that clerks are expecting a big turnout because of the controversy.
    8. Dean Crist, a spokesman for Stop Treaty Abuse-Wisconsin and one of those arrested, criticized Oneida County Sheriff Charles Crofoot for roping off boat landings where the Chippewa were spearing, thus restricting protesters from the lakes.
    9. They still turn out along the chain-link fence on Oneida Avenue, across from Lambeau Field, to watch the team huff through its summer labors, but expectations seem to have diminished.
    10. The Oneida Nation is one of six member nations in the Iroquois Confederacy.
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